The Improv Students.

The Improv Students.

Busy, busy times over the past months – well until COVID reared its ugly head again!

We had just begun a round of Beginner workshops back in March when we all went into lockdown level 4. Certainly, put a dampener on things, but the students were keen to keep going once the all-clear balloon went up.

We got a few more students to sign up and so began the Beginner workshop from the start again. Yay, we managed to get the entire four weeks in with the students learning in leaps and bounds.

Improv students

This series culminated in the students having guest spots in the August show to which they played wonderfully to a full house. Some have gone on to attend the Intermediate round of workshops. Sadly, this was thwarted after the first night due to that ugly virus mentioned early.

students play improv

But we’re all convinced that these students will be back much to the delight of the teachers.

Alongside this was the workshops being held at the Waihi Theatre. Slightly different as students were ranging in ages from kiddies through to adults. It started with the adorable 8 – 12-year-olds. Wow, what energy these kids had and it was excellent to see the shy ones blossoming even just from the start of the session to the end.

improv workshop for kids

Then it was the turn of the teens. Not so many in the class, but enough to get great enjoyment from their take on the suggestions once the games began. Again, like the younger ones, the teens brought energy and enthusiasm.

improv workshop for teens

Each Friday evening after classes, the tutors would have some dinner before driving home and thankfully crawling into their beds for a well-earned sleep.

Although COVID has put a bit of a dampener on the workshops, the enthusiasm from the students has not diminished.

Another Free Taster is set for October 10th (all going well). Come along if you think you’d like to have some fun and find out if Improv is for you. Simply fill in the contact form at the bottom of this post to register your interest.

Thanks to the teachers:


Our thanks to all students who attend the workshops – it’s great to meet you and have some fun.

Next Workshop 

FREE Taster
Jam Factory,
October 10th
Time: 10am – 12noon

Please contact us if you’re interested

[contact-form to=””][contact-field label=”Name” type=”name” required=”1″][contact-field label=”Email” type=”email” required=”1″][contact-field label=”Message” type=”textarea”][/contact-form]

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