The Improv Players Were On Their Game!

The Improv Players Were On Their Game!

An early start at the theatre for a warm-up meant that the Improv players were definitely on their game.

A team of seven players arrived at the Jam Factory nice and early so they could do a bit of a warm-up before the evening’s show.

Tickets had sold briskly this time, no doubt because of the stellar job Melissa, Jon and Fee had done in the studio with Mark from The Breeze.
Well, that’s what the Honest Liars unanimously agreed with and, as there was no-one to argue to the contrary, it was put up as a post in the secret Facebook group but you can listen to it here: Famous on the Breeze

People began arriving around 6.30 and were all seated ready for the show to begin and what a beginning it was.
The World’s Worst showed such skill as the players stepped forward with their ideas of the worst Parent – Accountant – Criminal – Tour Guide and a few other delightful professions.
But Melissa stole the game with her worst ever Telemarketer when she stepped forward, put her hand up to her ear to mime a phone and began heavy breathing.

Jon and Kristina tackled the Alphabet game with great enthusiasm and too much hilarity from the audience as letters got muddled or missed altogether. It only made the game funnier, besides everyone was swept up in the story of the lifeguards – one who had no togs on at all!

Next Show: Sunday 1st March 2020 7 pm

A traffic jam was the subject for the Scene 3-ways game, and it found a distressed Melissa about to give birth in the car trying to get her man, played by Kim to get to the hospital on time. Suddenly they see a very fancy car beside them and decide to highjack it. A baseball bat was used on Brett, who was the unsuspecting victim. However, when the genre was changed to Western-style and everyone on horseback. Brett had the upper-hand when he declared that he’d been able to hear every word they had said which gave the scene an excellent twist. From Western to Horror, the story went to a whole new level!


The Press Conference game had Jon and Brett from Fonterra having to face up to the fact that they had been milking camels. The Honest Liars Press in the audience gave very probing questions, and the response from both delegates at the podium was totally outrageous, and ambiguity reigned supreme. The hints were just enough for Jon to nail it in the end, much to the delight of the audience.

The Pocket Note game had Sally, Kim and Kelly standing around a cauldron discussing Father Michael. As the game unfolded, it became clear that the priest was the reason they had all left the nunnery. Some of the audience suggestions on the notes slotted right into the scene as if they had been scripted.


And speaking of audience participation, the suggestions that had been fired out to the players were brilliant. They ranged from a Rubik cube to a chainsaw and lifeguards to nuns. The final Emotional Symphony with everyone on stage and in seats rocked the Jam Factory walls and sent everyone home with a smile on their face.

Thanks to all the players – you were all brilliant:

  • Melissa
  • Sally
  • Jon
  • Kristina
  • Brett
  • Kelly
  • Kim
  • Fee – door & sound


Save the date:

Sunday 1st March
Jam Factory, Historic Village
Show Starts: 7 p.m.

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