Tag: workshop

First Workshop After Covid

First Workshop After Covid

After the dreaded Covid hit our shores and locked us down, we finally had our first workshop. And what a great workshop it was too!

Thankfully, the weather was sunny as the keen students arrived in the Green Room, anticipating a great day. Sadly Covid had crashed one out, but all others on the list were tentatively coming through the door.

The students were wonderfully multi-cultural from Malaysia, South China, South Africa and Scotland, plus the Honest Liars who hail from the USA, the U.K. and N.Z. it certainly made for diversity.

After introductions, the first warmup brought the students out of their shells and set the mood for the rest of the day. ‘The Catwalk’ is exactly as it sounds. In pairs, everyone got to dance down through the line of the others and be as silly as they wished.

‘The World in a Box’ was a bit more of a challenge for some. The students broke into teams of two and began pulling things out of an imaginary box. It helped to get the brain fired up.

whats in the box

Next, it was learning some basics of Improv, so into two lines the students went and taking turns of two they created ‘Three Lines Scene’. Imaginations ran wild as there were strippers, circus visits and the best line, “let’s murder your husband”.

By this time, the students were beginning to loosen up, and laughter was abundant. Onward to ‘Ring the Bell’. This game taught the art of delivery – nice and slow.

improv workshop

The morning session ended with a couple more learning games, and then it was lunchtime and a welcome break. This was an excellent time for the students to get to know each other more personally.

Food and beverages over; it was time for games. First up was the ‘Alphabet Game’ one that looks easy, but looks can be deceiving. There was help from the other students as, in pairs, they took to the stage to have a go in the spotlight for the first time.

Jamie and Neil had a great interaction as Neil wanted Jamie to fix his baldness. Jamie’s solution was to give him a blue pill to help the hair stand up!

Alphabet Game

Time to learn more skills to add to the tool kit. The ‘Change’ game got the students thinking quickly.

First Workshop After Covid

A few more rounds of stage work and then the final game of ‘The Good, the Bad and the Ugly’, solving problems from the audience. “How do I meet a nice lady?” received answers about online dating, looking at the newspaper, finding the latest divorcees, and finally, going onto LinkedIn and stalking the wealthy.

Then with the question “How do I get my husband to help with housework?” the best answer was “Withhold EVERYTHING!”

First Workshop After Covid

The workshop drew to a close with everyone saying what they had got out of it. For the Honest Liars, it was terrific to see how each student had stepped out of their comfort zone. Quite a few had arrived very shy, and their confidence had blossomed by the end. The skills learned in the workshop can be taken into personal and work areas enriching lives both for the student and those around them.

There’s more to Improv than meets the eye. Laughter certainly is excellent medicine.

Thanks to the fabulous students it was wonderful to get to know you all


First Workshop After Covid

Thanks to the Honest Liars who ran the workshop:

Kathy, Jon, Matt, Kathy, Fee and Sue
Thanks to players


The next show on the Black Box Stage is on Sunday 4th June at 7.30 pm

Book your tickets and join the players for loads of laughs.

1st Saturday of every month.
16th Ave Theatre.
16th Avenue, Tauranga.
Show Starts: 7.30 p.m.
Licenced bar available.

book now

Great Fun Over Four Weeks

Great Fun Over Four Weeks

Another successful round of workshops has ended the year in a celebratory mode.

Thankfully the dreaded Mr Virus didn’t put in an appearance to stop the latest round of workshops as it had done so in the past. Instead, a lively bunch of keen people turned up at the Taster to give Improv a go.

With games like ‘I Am A Tree’ everyone jumped right in, and the first session was a real hit.

I am a tree

Much to the delight of the teachers, most of those trying Improv decided to keep going. The students quickly grasped the concept and basic skills of Improv which made for loads of fun over the following three weeks.

Finally, the last day arrived, and the ‘students’ gleefully turned up full of vigour and enthusiasm. It began with a run-through of what they had learnt, followed by some warm-up games. One of these was a players’ favourite the ‘Cat Walk Dance’—a great way to limber up and learn the art of teamwork.

honest liars workshop

Then it was time for games. Some were ones they had already done; others were new.

‘Super Heroes’ saw a global crisis that all the cows were gone – where would the world get their cheese? And so the heroes were called. Mr Fantastic Man, Neil, wasn’t much help, so he called in Mr Itchy Willy. George, playing this part, flipped the humour by being Mr Willy who was itchy.

These were the sorts of twists that abounded throughout the session.

Oh, and by the way, the heroes lassoed the moon and got the cheese from there. Cows no longer were needed.

‘Scene in a Minute’ a new game for the group, had a short scene played over three times, with the third time played within 30 seconds. A tough ask? The students nailed it.

The audience suggestion for one of these was “Takeaways” and Sue, Caitlyn and Neil brought their game. Stressed mum, Sue was not impressed that the pizza was late while her spoiled brat of a daughter, Caitlyn, complained about everything. Finally, the pizza arrived by a stoned delivery guy, Neil, who didn’t care. That is until mum decided to phone his supervisor, who turned out to be his wife ending the scene perfectly.

super heroes improv

The morning rolled on with more laughter as scenes were made up on the spot.

The ‘Dating Game’ was a bit more of a challenge for the newbies. But it seemed like nothing was going to hold them back.

Matt was the bachelor who left the room while quirks were given to each contestant. Back he came and then, through a series of questions, he had to figure out what each quirk was. He soon got that Caitlyn had a phobia with the colour red and Ian’s obsession was with chamois. Neil was a little harder, but he finally worked out that Neil was morphing into an octopus. The hints each of the contestants gave were genius.

dating game improv

Another couple of games brought a close to the workshop. So a bottle of bubbles was popped, and the players and teachers sat down to debrief and enjoy each other’s company.

Certificates were handed out, and the mandatory photo was taken. But the players were in no hurry to leave preferring instead to continue to chat with the new friends they had made.

Honest Liars were delighted that all the players (bar one due to prior engagement) committed to the Intermediate workshop. There is some serious talent amongst them, so look out for them at the next show.

Thanks to the Students:

Wendy (past student)
Steve (past student)

Thanks to the Teachers:

Kathy, Melissa, Kay

The next show at the Jam Factory is on Sunday 6th December 7 pm and the students will be there!

Book your tickets, have a drink at Mood Lounge first, then join us for loads of laughs.

1st Sunday of every Month
Jam Factory, Historic Village
Show Starts: 7 p.m.

book now

Busy Times

Busy Times

Within a matter of 48 hours, the Honest Liars had hosted two workshops.

The first one was a little outside the box as the wonderful folk at Media Works asked the players if they would come and entertain them during a conference day they were having. This involved staff from radio stations based in Tauranga, Thames and Coromandel and was to be held at the Falls Retreat in Karangahake Gorge. 

It started well as the Honest Liars sat and discussed the line-up over a coffee.

But neither the players nor the radio personal had any idea that this lunch was going to be in a public restaurant where other people would be. Well, free show for the onlookers, although they probably wouldn’t have got any of the in-jokes that the players dropped throughout the gig.

The show kicked off with a quiz-style question and answers with all the participants up onto their feet, answering multi-choice questions and sitting down if getting it wrong. How could they? All the questions were loosely based on what Honest Liars had been able to glean about their audience. But, there was a winner and chocolate came his way.

The ‘Alphabet Game’ clinched even more secrets being let out of the bag to the delight of the audience.

However, it was a little disconcerting when the restaurant staff picked the middle of the ‘Change Game’ to bring out the pizzas and place them on the tables. But the humour of the situation wasn’t entirely lost by any.

A couple of games specifically more in the corporate workshop realm rounded off the hour, and the players left them to get on with their conference.

Two days later…

Now it was time for the Free Taster. The ‘teachers’ arrived knowing it was going to be busy. And, sure enough, there were 17 people in total… not counting the teachers.

This made for a wonderful couple of hours.

The usual warm-up games were played with one being ‘Body Touching’. Yes, that’s right folk, Kathy called out a number and a body part and the players had to connect. 

“four ankles!”

“four pinkies!”

But the favourite was:

“four bums!”

It certainly got everyone loosened up and laughing.

Players were broken up into groups for “Plan a Party” which had magic carpets, ponies and unicorns and Donald Trump arriving.

“I am a Tree” had all sorts of different poses and got the players thinking outside their comfort zone and they added to the story.

Two lines were formed to play the “Yes And” game with murder and mayhem and “The Johnson File” covered divorce papers, doctors files and even a missing chapter of the bible.

Everyone loved “Space Jump” seeing players dancing with sore ankles, climbing a tree, doing yoga and even delivering an alien.

The Taster workshop proved to be a hit, and those who attended certainly had a ton of raw talent. Laughter abounded, and by the end, everyone left feeling uplifted and many indicating that they wanted more.

Thanks to the Teachers: Kathy & Melissa

Thanks to Support Players: Fee, Kay, Wendy, Sally, Steve

And a huge thanks to all who came along to try their brains at Improv.

The next show at the Jam Factory is on Sunday 1st November 7 pm

Book your tickets, have a drink at Mood Lounge first, then join us for loads of laughs.

1st Sunday of every Month
Jam Factory, Historic Village
Show Starts: 7 p.m.

book now

The Busy Month of August.

The Busy Month of August.

The busy month of August began with a show at the Bayswater Retirement Village.

With Covid back in action, it was not exactly a packed-out audience, but a very vocal one and the report back was that the residents thoroughly enjoyed the evening. They say laughter is the best medicine, and it seems it was that night.

The audience enjoyed the antics of:

Fee, Kevin, Jon, Mark, Neil and Kathy as they embraced the wearing of head mics for the first time having to take them on and off with as much decorum as possible.

busy month of august

You may remember in the previous blog that the Honest Liars had some workshops going on in Waihi. Well, even with level 2, the teachers turned up and were able to keep going, due to the pretty decent area to work within.

There were a great bunch of students from the young ones right through to the adults. All were keen and brimming with energy (especially the kids as well you can imagine!). Some up and coming improvers shone through over all the classes.

Then it was showtime.

The players arrived at the local kebab eatery in the heart of the town and made sure they were well replenished before heading off to the theatre.

The wonderful Kathy led the troupe emceeing the show with laughter, pizzazz and a bit of cheek thrown in to the delight of the audience. The warm-up game ‘Categories’ had the players reeling off different types of pets including chilli pepper and banana (obviously not accepted). And in the ice cream flavours out came a cabbage one which made the audience and players alike screw their faces up.

In ‘Foreign Film Dub’ Fee and Kevin spoke only French while the translators wove the story of the two love birds. It transpired that one of them (not mentioning names) “you know I like the rough stuff” as a bit of strangling was happening. However, the blue pills passed to Kevin turned out the be cyanide and the game ended… well with poison, of course, it ended although the audience would have liked it to continue as they were enjoying it so much.

‘Pocket Note’, another crowd favourite, saw Kim, Sally and Kelly throwing their keys into the pot at a wife swap. The trouble was that only Kim and Sally had wives to which Kelly was quite happy about especially when one of the ‘notes’ said “my chlamydia is acting up again” giving her the spare wife. The audience suggestions had the players tied up, losing a blue pill and social distancing along with other great lines as the scene went along.


improv pocket note

Then Kim became Dolly from San Diego for the ‘Dating Game’ as she questioned Brett, charged with assault with a deadly animal – Jon, a cross-dresser and Kevin whose Viagra had kicked in. You can use your imagination as to how that worked out.

improv dating game

In between the games, some of the Waihi students (teens and adults) had the stage for two games. The first, ‘Space Jump’ Had Ethan begin in the Jurassic era followed by SJ creating a fitness centre. Sam then joined changing the scene to kids sneaking out of school by jumping out of the 2nd-floor window and when Cindy came in, she tried to get the kids to go to bed. Four wonderful scenes were created.

Following the intermission Kimi, Lucy and Katherine played the ‘Alphabet’ game. Not an easy one to play, but they nailed it. With the suggestion of a honeymoon, the three students gave it a great twist by being planners for weddings, honeymoons and funerals.

improv alphabet

At the end of the show, Ethan and Lucy came back on stage to be the puppet masters for Kevin and Kelly who were the puppets. The game was a first date taking place at the local dump. The audience couldn’t stop laughing and even Ethan and Lucy found it hard to contain their hilarity as they moved the players around.

improv puppets

There was time for a celebratory drink after the show, then it was off back to Papamoa for a well-earned rest (especially those who had been also teaching).

The next show at the Jam Factory is going ahead, however, due to Level 2, seating is limited so get your tickets now so you don’t miss out.

Thanks to the players Bayswater:


Thanks to the players Waihi Show:


Thanks to the students who perform at the Waihi Show:


Thanks to the teachers who were at all workshops:


Next show is on September 6th so save the date!

Book your tickets, have a drink and snack at Mood Lounge in The Historic Village first,
then join us for loads of laughs.

1st Sunday of every Month
Jam Factory, Historic Village
Show Starts:  7 p.m.

book now

If you’re interested in the Next Workshop: 

Jam Factory
Saturday, October 10th 10 am – 12 noon

Contact us

The Improv Students.

The Improv Students.

Busy, busy times over the past months – well until COVID reared its ugly head again!

We had just begun a round of Beginner workshops back in March when we all went into lockdown level 4. Certainly, put a dampener on things, but the students were keen to keep going once the all-clear balloon went up.

We got a few more students to sign up and so began the Beginner workshop from the start again. Yay, we managed to get the entire four weeks in with the students learning in leaps and bounds.

Improv students

This series culminated in the students having guest spots in the August show to which they played wonderfully to a full house. Some have gone on to attend the Intermediate round of workshops. Sadly, this was thwarted after the first night due to that ugly virus mentioned early.

students play improv

But we’re all convinced that these students will be back much to the delight of the teachers.

Alongside this was the workshops being held at the Waihi Theatre. Slightly different as students were ranging in ages from kiddies through to adults. It started with the adorable 8 – 12-year-olds. Wow, what energy these kids had and it was excellent to see the shy ones blossoming even just from the start of the session to the end.

improv workshop for kids

Then it was the turn of the teens. Not so many in the class, but enough to get great enjoyment from their take on the suggestions once the games began. Again, like the younger ones, the teens brought energy and enthusiasm.

improv workshop for teens

Each Friday evening after classes, the tutors would have some dinner before driving home and thankfully crawling into their beds for a well-earned sleep.

Although COVID has put a bit of a dampener on the workshops, the enthusiasm from the students has not diminished.

Another Free Taster is set for October 10th (all going well). Come along if you think you’d like to have some fun and find out if Improv is for you. Simply fill in the contact form at the bottom of this post to register your interest.

Thanks to the teachers:


Our thanks to all students who attend the workshops – it’s great to meet you and have some fun.

Next Workshop 

FREE Taster
Jam Factory,
October 10th
Time: 10am – 12noon

Please contact us if you’re interested

[contact-form to=””][contact-field label=”Name” type=”name” required=”1″][contact-field label=”Email” type=”email” required=”1″][contact-field label=”Message” type=”textarea”][/contact-form]

1st Workshop of 2020

1st Workshop of 2020

The Honest Liars have kicked off the 1st round of workshops for 2020 by welcoming new players into the Level 1 – An Introduction to Improv Comedy.

The teachers, Melissa and Kathy and ‘helper’ Fee arrived at the local café to have the mandatory coffee, scone and meeting prior to heading off to the Jam Factory in time to set up the chairs before the new players arrived.

Keen new players, Ben, Gio, Claudia and Sue arrived along with a couple of Honest Liars Sally and Neil (there for the fun and honing of skills), and the workshop got underway.

1st Workshop of 2020

Listening skills were worked on with imaginary balls being passed between the players as they moved around the room. And it soon became apparent that listening was paramount as a player wondered if s/he had caught a red ball or a red bull.

improv listening skills

From learning to listen and going into the “Yes, and” skill it soon branched out into games.

Building on a scene, Ben and Claudia were on a Tinder date – the very first one that Ben had been on. It didn’t take long before it came out that Ben had been on Tinder for 10 years and this was his first date. Perhaps it was something to do with being a reincarnation of David Hasselhoff?

In The Good, The Bad and The Ugly, Claudia, Gio and Ben had to give advice on how to greet each other with coronavirus – needless to say it wasn’t a pretty sight by the time it got the Ugly version.

bad advice

By this time all the players had got a pretty firm grasp of the nuances of Improv. So when the game Pillars began they were all primed and some great storylines happened.

Ben and Sue as pirates went from losing a parrot and monkey to trying to find love where the treasure was buried. Most of the twists were brought about by the pillars, Neil and Kathy.

Improv pillars game

Ending the games were a bunch of hilarious Space Jumps. When Sally began wondering if she should leave her husband, Ben changed the scene to in a gym followed by Sue jumping in and being a ballet instructor. By the time Gio arrived the three players all had their arms in the air, a pose that was seized on and turned into four people changing a light-bulb … of course!

improv space jump game

Wrapping up the first workshop and it was congratulations all around. All the players, both new and old had had a blast. So much laughing and great brain work, but the best part? … New friends have been forged.

Thanks to all the new players – you were all brilliant:

  • Ben
  • Claudia
  • Gio
  • Sue

Honest Liars players

  • Sally
  • Fee
  • Neil

Awesome teachers

  • Kathy
  • Melissa

If you’re keen to give Improv a go the next free Taster will be in June/July – contact us to get on the list.

[contact-form][contact-field label=”Name” type=”name” required=”1″][contact-field label=”Email” type=”email” required=”1″][contact-field label=”Message” type=”textarea”][/contact-form]



Next Show – Save the date:  Sunday 5th April 2020

1st Sunday of every month
Jam Factory, Historic Village
Show Starts: 7 p.m.


The Players Learn At Improv Workshop

The Players Learn At Improv Workshop

Whenever the players get the chance to attend an improv workshop, they usually leap in keen to add to their skills.

Of course, there may be one or two who are not able to make it for reasons such as swanning around Spain (not mentioning names, Kev) or commitments like children’s sports. But for those who can attend, it proves to be well worth the time.

This last week offered two opportunities for the players to up their game. At the usual Monday night an exceptional mime artist, Fergus Aitken from Wellington, happened to be in the area and so the whole evening was devoted to a workshop around mime and incorporating it into the games.

Skills taught ranged from walking with a piece of string to pushing a stuck balloon up, down and sideways. In the middle of all this,  sandwiches were made from the make-believe kitchen then munched down on the delicious creation without gaining an ounce in weight. The pets that were played with fed and taught tricks were the usual cats and dogs until Melissa decided that her pet was a giraffe, (she raised the roof in her imagination).

By the time it was all over the players had gained some useful skills to be incorporated onto the stage.

The following Saturday it was time for another workshop, this time on Long Form. The players were all keen on understanding the parameters of this Improv technique, and it didn’t take long before it was game on.

improv workshop

By the time the morning session was finished, a complete Long Form Improv had been done with the story taken from snippets of a monologue that Melissa had given based on one word. What transpired began with the party planner trying to organise grandad’s 100-year-old birthday party to include geisha girls dressed as flappers, an Asian restaurant and a peanut flavoured cheesecake.

Needless to say, rats were discovered at the restaurant, the geisha girl demanded a historic 600% payrise for cleaning up the vomit from the cheesecake and general mayhem in hospitals and prisons ensured.

All the players had so much fun bringing this Long Form to life, and by the end of the day, another skill set was added to the repertoire to be played again and again to gain experience.

There is always room for improvement and workshops, even for seasoned players, are a must.

Thanks go to Fergus, Jon and Kathy for the skills they taught.

Teaching at the Workshop

Teaching at the Workshop

One of the services we offer is teaching improv to those who want to have a go at this particular acting art.

So after our successful night entertaining the locals at Waihi (see the previous post), we held a workshop the next morning.

Six intrepid players turned up at the theatre ready to give this improving a whirl. Perfect number, enough to go into teams and not too many that there couldn’t be a one on one that is always such a bonus in any training scenario.

To begin the players were taught the real basics beginning with mime then building up into the ‘Yes and’ game as well as showing them how it felt to be blocked.

By now the players were really warming to the improvisation and before we knew it we were playing the ‘Alphabet’ game (not as easy as it looked) as well as the ‘Change’ game. Both these had been played the night before so the concept was familiar.

The new players did exceptionally well. Okay, so most were already used to acting but one chap had turned up with his son and both definitely hit the mark of comedy with their quick thinking and quick wit.

Thanks to the Honest Liars players who were stayed on to help teach.

Kelly D



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