Tag: teaching

The Players Learn At Improv Workshop

The Players Learn At Improv Workshop

Whenever the players get the chance to attend an improv workshop, they usually leap in keen to add to their skills.

Of course, there may be one or two who are not able to make it for reasons such as swanning around Spain (not mentioning names, Kev) or commitments like children’s sports. But for those who can attend, it proves to be well worth the time.

This last week offered two opportunities for the players to up their game. At the usual Monday night an exceptional mime artist, Fergus Aitken from Wellington, happened to be in the area and so the whole evening was devoted to a workshop around mime and incorporating it into the games.

Skills taught ranged from walking with a piece of string to pushing a stuck balloon up, down and sideways. In the middle of all this,  sandwiches were made from the make-believe kitchen then munched down on the delicious creation without gaining an ounce in weight. The pets that were played with fed and taught tricks were the usual cats and dogs until Melissa decided that her pet was a giraffe, (she raised the roof in her imagination).

By the time it was all over the players had gained some useful skills to be incorporated onto the stage.

The following Saturday it was time for another workshop, this time on Long Form. The players were all keen on understanding the parameters of this Improv technique, and it didn’t take long before it was game on.

improv workshop

By the time the morning session was finished, a complete Long Form Improv had been done with the story taken from snippets of a monologue that Melissa had given based on one word. What transpired began with the party planner trying to organise grandad’s 100-year-old birthday party to include geisha girls dressed as flappers, an Asian restaurant and a peanut flavoured cheesecake.

Needless to say, rats were discovered at the restaurant, the geisha girl demanded a historic 600% payrise for cleaning up the vomit from the cheesecake and general mayhem in hospitals and prisons ensured.

All the players had so much fun bringing this Long Form to life, and by the end of the day, another skill set was added to the repertoire to be played again and again to gain experience.

There is always room for improvement and workshops, even for seasoned players, are a must.

Thanks go to Fergus, Jon and Kathy for the skills they taught.

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