An Honest Liars’ Road Trip
It was time for a mercy dash to Auckland for some of the Honest Liars. Why? For more laughter, of course!
End of a great year and it was time to go and check out some other improvisers. A couple of the players had already sampled the talented troupe at The Covert Theatre in Auckland, coming back with tales of brilliance and both long and short-form games. It was a no-brainer; everyone needed to see it, so it was time for a quick dash to the big smoke for an injection of hilarious improvisation from seasoned players.
Sadly, not all the players could go, but a staunch bunch of eight climbed into the hired van and hit the road around 3 pm. Disastrous time for the traffic as it was building up through Bayfair and Tauranga. But by the time the van left the outskirts of town, the vehicles were flowing, the nibbles opened and the chatter increased.
Finding a park wasn’t as easy as one would think. The van was manoeuvred into a park that proved too small, but finally, a couple of streets from the theatre gold was struck, and a perfect park materialised.
It was fairly apparent that a couple of the Honest Liars had been before as warm greetings emanated from the Auckland players. It didn’t take too long for drinks to be in everyone’s hands and so began the ‘getting to know you’ part of the evening.
The bell rang. It was showtime!
Ooos and ahhhs from the HL team as they soaked in the magic of this specially built improv theatre. Finding perfect seats, they settled in for the show, taking a selfie to prove they had come.
Some of the games were familiar to the Honest Liars, and others were new. From the Cube to the Press Conference the Improv Bandits played each game with ease and flow. The polished acting enhanced the improvised comedy wit, and the audience were belly laughing.
But one in the HL group was singled out for the Celebrate Day game. Not one to take a back seat, Fee, when asked if anyone was celebrating today, called out that her granddaughter had been born that morning. There was no going back as one of the Bandits honed in on such a juicy suggestion. The game unfolded with brilliance as the players re-enacted Fee’s day leaving Fee crying with laughter as she re-lived it in a much funnier version.
Finally, the curtain (figuratively) came down, and the Honest Liars gang made their way out to the bar to join some of the evening’s players delighting in their company.
The trip back to Papamoa didn’t seem so long as there was much to talk about, but soon some of the passengers nodded off and left the stalwarts to keep Melissa alert as she brilliantly drove the tired troupe home.
The Covert Theatre team should prepare for more rabid fans – the Honest Liars will be back and probably bring more of the troupe with them!
If you, Reader, are heading to Auckland or live in that fair city, do yourself a favour and head to the Covert Theatre for a night out of professional, fun-filled improvisation at its best!
Click on their logo below for more information.
Thanks go to Melissa who organised this outing, did a stellar job driving the manual, clunky van and introduced the players to an outstanding place of wit and cleverness!
Don’t forget
The next show at the Jam Factory is on Sunday 7th February 7 pm
Book your tickets, have a drink at Mood Lounge first, then join us for loads of laughs.
1st Sunday of every Month
Jam Factory, Historic Village
Show Starts: 7 p.m.