Honest Liars Playing Over Time

Honest Liars Playing Over Time

November’s show saw the Honest Liars going over time much to the delight of the audience.

The players arrived early enough to set up the Jam Factory ready for the audience. This is not as simple as putting out the chairs. A trial of moving the stage to a side wall is currently happening. So the strong were allocated to moving the blocks while the brainy ones were working out the jigsaw!

Finally, warm-up began then it was off to Mood for a pre-drink and some laughter.

The ‘Categories’ game started the show with all the players testing their knowledge on different types of pizza toppings to types of criminals. In the category of Shellfish, it soon became apparent that there are many different coloured crabs… and even ones that don’t live in the sea! But as the players latched onto this cheating, they were quickly buzzed out until the winner was finally left standing.

The ‘Sign Language Interview’ is always a hit and this night was no exception. Jon interviewed Brett, who was an expert on teaching Sloths to juggle. Kelly, who was signing, had to get into all sorts of bizarre contortions to ‘translate’. It included up and down on the floor as Brett explained that Sloths are not that good at juggling when they’re upside down. It didn’t help that the interviewer, Jon, kept repeating the words upside down each time Kelly had stood up.

dating game

 ‘Pocket Note’ offered the audience a chance to deliver some cracking good lines. From “It’s tiny”, “Goodness, what a big one!” to “Your hair smells like vomit”. But the line that stole the game came at the end “I have nightly anus cramp”, and it fitted right in. Steve, Mark and Kathy were onboard Steve Irwin’s charter boat with no wifi. It seemed such a fitting place to be for such pocket notes and created lots of laughter.

 After the mandatory half time to replenish drinks, the players moved on into an ‘Alphabet Duel’. This was the first time a touch of theatre sports has been done by the Honest Liars.

Wendy and Kelly began round one with a suggestion from the audience that couldn’t be beaten. A Bris ceremony (and that’s a circumcision if you don’t know). Turned out that Timothy, who was having the procedure, was an adult, not a baby. So when Fee and Jon had their turn about Australia, they had to try and pull out all the stops to win. Even when Fee admitted that Timothy was her lover and had just had a circumcision, it didn’t help. The audience quite rightly cheered the loudest for Wendy and Kelly.

alphabet game

 After ‘Movie Trailers’ it was time for another winner, the ‘Dating’ game. Jon, Mark and Steve were the eager bachelors, and as Kelly quizzed them, it became apparent which one she would pick. As a crash-test dummy, Steve was out because of the damage he had. Mark was also a no-go as he morphed into a zombie. But Jon, a coach in the Karma Sutra, was a winner in Kelly’s eyes for what he could bring to the relationship.

dating game

A slight twist to the game of ‘Rant and Rave’ saw Kathy, Mark, Steve and Brett ranting and raving about urine on the toilet seat, the size of cubicles in public toilets, portaloos and bidets. Yes, the topics were very potty.

Finally, the show ended, the stage was reassembled to its rightful place, chairs stacked and the lights switched off. Naturally, the players headed off to Mood where some audience members were waiting.

Thanks to the players:


Thanks to the Crew:

Fee and Kristina

honest liars improv honest liars improv


The next show at the Jam Factory is on Sunday 6th December 7 pm

Book your tickets, have a drink at Mood Lounge first, then join us for loads of now1st Sunday of every Month
Jam Factory, Historic Village
Show Starts: 7 p.m.


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