Category: What’s New

The Show Must Go On

The Show Must Go On

A few fingernails were bitten in trepidation for the Easter show, but the players all agreed that the show must go on.

Not only had many locals (and players) left town, but the Jazz festival was in full swing. By the Sunday evening, the jazz goers were winding down after a full-on weekend, so it didn’t look hopeful that there would be an audience.

Never ones to be defeated, the players arrived at the Jam Factory, and after setting up the chairs, warming up the vocals, there was just enough time for a quick bite to eat before the audience arrived. And, yes, ticket sales had happened, so people were expected.

the show must go on

Just before the show began, loud music threatened to drown out any narrative. A rock band was giving a concert on the lawn outside the Mood lounge opposite the Jam Factory. A quick discussion and the players agreed

The Show Must Go On!

Board games and Horror films were the first suggestions for the game of ‘Categories’ in which it was decided that ‘Frozen’ was not a horror film!!

The ‘Themed Restaurant’ was set in the Rocky Horror Show where Kevin and Sue were celebrating their anniversary. The staff came to their table with lines of “The sweet is Transvestite” “On the menu is Dr Frankfurter”, and one waiter brought in the Time Warp song by jumping the table to the left.

A new game for the audience was ‘The Twitch’. This saw Kathy interviewing people for a job at a gas station and taking on their mannerisms. You will see how that worked in the snippet video below.



‘He Said, She Said’ was another new game and saw Kelly and Brett as plumbers in the public toilet. Brett was the seasoned plumber who could dive in with hands and grab the shit out without blinking, whereas Kelly, the apprentice, had to suit up with shoulder-high gloves. In fact, she put on a second pair just to be absolutely sure.

Improv He said she said

‘Pocket Note’ was back and saw Brett, Kelly and Matt on the Moon for a bachelor party. Looking for strippers was quite an ordeal, but with lines (given by the audience) such as “Thou shalt not shag the bunny”, “My girlfriend looked good in that too,” and “Get the cooking oil” proved to be pivotal to the story. The players couldn’t have asked for more perfect notes.

The show ended on an absolute high and the game ‘A Day In The Life’ had one audience member, Jayden, telling the emcee, Kathy, all about his birthday, which had finished with coming to the show.

The players then played out the day with Jon as Jayden being woken up by Mum, Kathy and Grandma, Kelly.

Day in the life improv game

Three naps, a scavenger hunt and family coming for a party had all the players offering a hilarious rendition of Jayden’s day. The large table that grandma had made had many players carefully trying to fit it into the small space, then Brett, playing a double door fridge, was brought in as the gift from mum.

The fridge turned out to be a small beer one! But the table was definitely large.

Thanks to Jayden and his family for providing the players with a great story to tell (and sending photos of the real things).

Finally, the curtain came down (metaphorically), and as the audience filed out, it became apparent that the competing music band had been zoned out, and the show was a success.

Mood lounge was still open, so the players wandered across for some snacks and a drink before heading home to the respective beds.

after the Honest Liars Improv show


The Honest Liars have been invited to perform an hour-long show at the Auckland Improv Festival!

If you’re in Auckland Sunday 25th April the players will be at The Covert Theatre in Ponsonby. You can book your tickets here:   FESTIVAL SHOW

Thanks to players


Thanks to the Crew:

Fee and the players!

And thanks to Jayden, his mum and sister for a delightful story.


The next show at the Jam Factory is on Sunday 2nd May 7 pm hot on the heels of the Auckland Improv Festival  …  FESTIVAL SHOW

Book your tickets for our regular show, have a drink at Mood Lounge first, then join the players for loads of laughs.

1st Sunday of every Month
Jam Factory, Historic Village
Show Starts: 7 p.m.

book now

A Great Start

A Great Start

The first show of 2021 turned out to be a great start to the Honest Liars’ show year.

The timing was perfect as the players geared up with the show’s theme being Romance. It’s February – Valentine month, and so the balloons and rose petals decked the Jam Factory as the crew got the stage and chairs set for the night’s performance.

romance at the Jam factory

The players arrived at the theatre in plenty of time to get their funny bones well and truly warmed up before the audience began trickling in. And before anyone could say “Curtain Call” the seats were full, the show commenced and the laughter started.

Melissa warmed up the crowd, which didn’t take much as many were repeat devotees who already knew that the show’s success depended on those sitting in the seats.

The first quick-fire game, “Out of the Hat” had the players stepping forward with one-liners to topics such as “People you wouldn’t want to meet at a nudist colony”, “Unfortunate wedding night confessions” and “World’s Worst Oscar acceptance speech”. The next game was a new one for the audience. “Laugh Elimination”. One for all players who must NOT make the audience laugh. Turns out to be not an easy task.

With both audience and players fired up the games began in earnest.

“The Clap” game started the Romance for the night with Ian giving Melissa a Valentine gift. However, it was wrapped in newspaper, and turned out to be a Moro bar, not exactly the most romantic gesture. But the three teams played brilliantly with their topics clapping for the best words to continue their scenes. Finally, the last clap had them all naked, befitting for the occasion.

honest liars clap game

It was then time for the “Pocket Note” game, always a crowd favourite. The situation Melissa, Fee and Kathy found themselves in was at the Zoo. Melissa and Kathy were lovers who were looking at the baboons when Fee, their gynecologist turned up. The notes did provide a fair amount of hilarity as the girls wove them into the scene. Even “stop snoring” became the tattoo that was on Kathy’s derriere. And “I’m a doctor” was a very apt line for the doctor’s licence plate much to the audience’s enjoyment.

The great “Hollywood Director” game saw the scene played in different themes. The audience’s suggestion of gondoliers talking about their business soon had one of them singing “O Sol Mio” much to the other two’s disgust. The second version was a romantic comedy, and the third a Western with the gondoliers on horseback offering horse rides for whiskey and not a Gondola in sight.

honest liars hollywood director

Onto the stage came the Rookies hell bent on strutting their stuff. The first game saw Ian, Sue and Matt in “Alphabet”. The topic from the audience was a proposal which seemed odd at first with three players. But they rose to the challenge, and before long they were in a churchyard doing Gothic stuff as a thruple. They ended up in an X-rated underground club!

Their next game was “Space Jump” in which Kevin joined in to make up the fourth player. Sue began with a Valentine Day Jewellery store heist. When Matt arrived, the scene changed to a Vet trying to get a thermometer out of a giraffe’s bottom. Ian’s scene had the boys wanting to go out for pizza much to the healthy mother’s admonishing. Finally, Kevin put up a brilliant scene of a surgeon who needed to have the instruments cleaned. Quick as a wink, Sue began licking them and the “Oooooh’s” from the audience were quickly replaced by laughter.

honest liars rookies

Kathy, aka Rainy Mist, was the contestant for the “Dating” game which saw her try to choose between Kevin the clean freak, Matt, playing bone made bagpipes and Jamie Oliver played by Ian. When Matt said, he liked to shop for tartan Kathy responded that tartan in her country equated to flannel pyjamas of which she wouldn’t be opposed to if Matt had some. But it was ‘Jamie’ who got the girl in the end.

honest liars dating game

The “Themed Restaurant” saw Kevin and Fee having a romantic dinner aboard the Titanic. There was a lovely violinist, plenty of ice for their drinks a bit of listing going on and even one ‘waiter’ who wanted to rearrange their ‘deckchairs’. You can use your imagination as to how that dinner ended.

After the restaurant, it was time for “The Cube” another favourite, caught in this snippet:


Finally the last game of “Puppets” had the audience in stitches as the puppet masters, Leonie and Bevan who were brave enough to volunteer, worked Kelly and Matt into various positions as they created the scene.

honest liars puppets

Now if you’re an avid reader of these blogs, you will know what comes next. Once the show was over, and the lights turned off the players then headed off to the Mood Lounge where, this time, several of the audience members joined them for a celebratory drink to end a most successful night.

after the show

Thanks to the players:

The Rookies



honest liars testimonial honest liars testimonial

The next show at the Jam Factory is on Sunday 7th March 7 pm

Book your tickets, have a drink at Mood Lounge first, then join us for loads of laughs.

1st Sunday of every Month
Jam Factory, Historic Village
Show Starts: 7 p.m.

book nowNext Workshop – Jam Factory Sunday 28th February 10am to 3pm Jam Factory.

If you can’t make this workshop but interested in coming along please Contact us:

Getting Fine Tuned

Getting Fine Tuned

The first show of 2021 is fast approaching and what could be better than the players having a full-day workshop with one of the greats of N.Z. Improv, Wade Jackson from Covert Theatre. (Remember Covert? Check out the trip the players had HERE)


Let’s give you a little background about Wade so you get a feel for how much this guy can bring to a workshop.

He is the founder of the Covert Theatre and its current Artistic Director. Wade is also the founding member of The Improv Bandits and has performed, studied, taught, produced and directed improvisation since 1994. He’s a double world improv champion having won titles in Calgary (2000) and Chicago (2002) and is regarded internationally as a leading authority in the art of improvisation. 

That’s some C.V.!


The workshop wasn’t starting until 10 am, but many of the players, forever keen as mustard, got to the café at 9 am to have their caffeine fix and get their excitement under control. Those who came closer to start-time got their coffee to go!


Then it was off to the Mako room (an excellent name for a Papamoa Beach venue), and the workshop began. The venue was perfect, large enough to hold 16 players and one teacher. The water bottles were in abundance as the day turned out to be a scorcher, but the players were happy with the air conditioner going at full speed.


Right at the beginning as the Honest Liars troupe stood in a circle Wade went round each person and remembered everyone’s name. The players were immediately impressed with this seasoned Improver. 


workshop with wade jackson


One of the early exercises was called ‘Shapes’, and as the players separated into teams of two, Wade called out an object and, without speaking, the players had to shape themselves into that form. 


The teams went from two to four to eight creating object such as salt and pepper shakers, Ferraris and the sky tower and finally all sixteen players formed into a grand piano with one person playing.


Wade seemed to get the best from the players as each exercise was conducted under his experienced tutelage. 


honest liars getting fine tuned up


A break for lunch gave the players sustenance and livened them up for the afternoon session. After a few more lessons it was onto some games with Wade introducing some new ones to the group. One in particular that was well received was the Soul Mate game where two people have to speak in one voice, tricky but a load of fun. 

Wade certainly didn’t hesitate to step in to demonstrate which the players appreciated.


wade jackson teach honest liars


The entire day had been a resounding success, and the players gave their thanks to Wade as they filed out of the Mako room and headed to the Pap Tavern for the obligatory drink to celebrate new skills learned and old ones honed.



And just so you know, Reader, the following day was a strategy meeting to scheme and hatch and plan out 2021. Be warned; there are some great games afoot.

Thanks to all the players who attended (all but one were there). And a huge thank you to Wade Jackson for coming down from Auckland and getting beyond the Bombay hill to part with his knowledge. Remember you can see the Improv Bandits at:

covert theatre

The next show at the Jam Factory is on
Sunday 7th February 7 pm

Book your tickets, have a drink at Mood Lounge first, then join us for loads of laughs.

1st Sunday of every Month
Jam Factory, Historic Village
Show Starts: 7 nowNext Workshop – Jam Factory Saturday, February 28th 10am – 3pm

Contact us if you’re interested but can’t make that date.

An Honest Liars’ Road Trip

An Honest Liars’ Road Trip

It was time for a mercy dash to Auckland for some of the Honest Liars. Why? For more laughter, of course!


End of a great year and it was time to go and check out some other improvisers. A couple of the players had already sampled the talented troupe at The Covert Theatre in Auckland, coming back with tales of brilliance and both long and short-form games. It was a no-brainer; everyone needed to see it, so it was time for a quick dash to the big smoke for an injection of hilarious improvisation from seasoned players.


Sadly, not all the players could go, but a staunch bunch of eight climbed into the hired van and hit the road around 3 pm. Disastrous time for the traffic as it was building up through Bayfair and Tauranga. But by the time the van left the outskirts of town, the vehicles were flowing, the nibbles opened and the chatter increased.


an honest liars road trip


Finding a park wasn’t as easy as one would think. The van was manoeuvred into a park that proved too small, but finally, a couple of streets from the theatre gold was struck, and a perfect park materialised.


It was fairly apparent that a couple of the Honest Liars had been before as warm greetings emanated from the Auckland players. It didn’t take too long for drinks to be in everyone’s hands and so began the ‘getting to know you’ part of the evening.



The bell rang. It was showtime!


Ooos and ahhhs from the HL team as they soaked in the magic of this specially built improv theatre. Finding perfect seats, they settled in for the show, taking a selfie to prove they had come.



Some of the games were familiar to the Honest Liars, and others were new. From the Cube to the Press Conference the Improv Bandits played each game with ease and flow. The polished acting enhanced the improvised comedy wit, and the audience were belly laughing.

The Improv Bandits


But one in the HL group was singled out for the Celebrate Day game. Not one to take a back seat, Fee, when asked if anyone was celebrating today, called out that her granddaughter had been born that morning. There was no going back as one of the Bandits honed in on such a juicy suggestion. The game unfolded with brilliance as the players re-enacted Fee’s day leaving Fee crying with laughter as she re-lived it in a much funnier version.



Finally, the curtain (figuratively) came down, and the Honest Liars gang made their way out to the bar to join some of the evening’s players delighting in their company.


The trip back to Papamoa didn’t seem so long as there was much to talk about, but soon some of the passengers nodded off and left the stalwarts to keep Melissa alert as she brilliantly drove the tired troupe home.


The Covert Theatre team should prepare for more rabid fans – the Honest Liars will be back and probably bring more of the troupe with them!


If you, Reader, are heading to Auckland or live in that fair city, do yourself a favour and head to the Covert Theatre for a night out of professional, fun-filled improvisation at its best!

Click on their logo below for more information. 


covert theatre

Thanks go to Melissa who organised this outing, did a stellar job driving the manual, clunky van and introduced the players to an outstanding place of wit and cleverness! 

Don’t forget

The next show at the Jam Factory is on Sunday 7th February 7 pm

Book your tickets, have a drink at Mood Lounge first, then join us for loads of laughs.

1st Sunday of every Month
Jam Factory, Historic Village
Show Starts: 7 p.m.

book now

The Honest Liars do Christmas.

The Honest Liars do Christmas.

🎄♫ ♫ “Oh the weather outside is sunny

And the players are all so funny

And since we’ve got no place to go

Start the show, start the show, start the show.” ♫♫🎄

The players were busy when they arrived at the Jam Factory because they already knew it was a ‘Sold Out’ show. This meant all available chairs needed to be set up with a few extras for the usual walk-ins!

Wasn’t long before it was time to warm up with the quick-fire games to get the brain working.

The crew arrived to put out the banners and signs so the new punters could find their way. Reserve notices put on the chairs and the front desk organised. Steve, the elf, proved invaluable throughout the entire show and certainly played up to the ‘Christmas help’ elves are known for.

santas helper

The audience started arriving in rather large numbers, and it was quite the memory game as they checked in, then buggered off to Mood for a drink. The elf was onto it though coming up with the ingenious idea of marking the back of their hands with an ‘HL’ done with a whiteboard marker. A trick that will be used again.

Soon the patrons settled in and Melissa welcomed everyone telling them that if they didn’t give good suggestions, it would be their fault if the show failed. The players, suitably attired in their festive cheer, arrived on stage to much cheering and whooping from the primed crowd.

The usual warmup games began the show with Kevin proving to be a very popular Santa during the ‘Scenes from a Hat’ game.

In the ‘Alphabet’ game, Wendy and Kathy were arguing over money for Christmas. As there was only $10.00 left in the bank, Kathy quickly told Wendy she’d have to go out to work. After all it was Wendy who depleted the account buying the kids gold-encrusted diamond earmuffs.

The word suggestions for the ‘Clap’ game proved exceptional. John and Kelly were given a body, Kim and Wendy’s was newspaper and Kathy and Melissa had scuba gear. It turned out the dead body was doing Pilates, and his head was at 180°, the newspaper was used to pick up the cats’ poop (yes, many cats) and the scuba gear was purchased with the kids’ stolen pocket money.

the clap game

Kelly, once again, shone with her ‘Sign Language Expert’ antics. This time Jon was being interviewed as an expert in teaching dung beetles how to play underwater hockey. It soon became apparent that he didn’t have much success. As dung beetles float, he had tried putting teeny tiny concrete shoes on them, but most of them drowned. Then he had a problem trying to find dung for them. In the meantime, Kelly was doing a fantastic job ‘signing’, (well, miming) all these different things.

sign language expert improv

It was then time for the students to show off their skills. The cheering ramped up as they came on stage for their two games. ‘Space Jump’, (not an easy one) and the ‘Alphabet’ game. The suggestion for the alphabet was Christmas themed, and they were kids. It soon became apparent that they were from the same family hell-bent on changing Christmas to Halloween or even a birthday. Until it was let out of the bag that one of them was adopted! A twist no-one saw coming. These four are rising players who will get better as they hone their skills.

In the second half of the show, the games ramped up with the comedy.

‘Pocket Note’, a firm favourite with audiences, saw Doctors Kim, Mark and Jon assigned to doing house calls on Christmas Eve. As they were lamenting their fate, Mark reminded them that the Hippocratic Oath, clause 24 states “Get Covid again” an obvious thing for the financial wellbeing of the medical fraternity. And later on, when Mark looked into the drugs cabinet, there was a sign that said: “show me the money” proving his earlier point.

‘Themed Restaurant’ made its debut at the Jam Factory and was well received. The dining was set in a Funeral Home restaurant which made for some classic one-liners by the players as they waited on the table.

See for yourself:


‘Film Noir’ saw Jon, a somewhat lax pool lifeguard miserable with all the primary kids until he saw the smoking hot teacher, Melissa, approaching. The teacher was chain-smoking cigarettes, and her thoughts of the pool guard were that he had a face only a mother could love. It couldn’t be a ‘Film Noir’ without the romance, and it ended with the two of them heading off to the changing room for something the audience could easily guess.

The final game ‘Hollywood Director’ was set in the Pyramids with the waking up of a 3000 year old mummy. Not satisfied with the acting the director changed the genre to horror then to western. But it was what was written in hieroglyphics that stole the game as it changed with each take.

As the audience made their way out from the show, there were lots of comments of

“We’ll be back!”

“Great show.”

“Thanks for the laughs.”

All things that the players love to hear.

Chairs away, signs in, lights out—time to head to Mood for a Christmas drink with some of the audience members.


🎄 Happy Christmas, everyone!! 🎄

Thanks to the players:


Thanks to the Crew:

Caleb – sound.


The next show at the Jam Factory is on Sunday 7th February 7 pm

Book your tickets, have a drink at Mood Lounge first, then join us for loads of laughs.

1st Sunday of every Month
Jam Factory, Historic Village
Show Starts: 7 p.m.

book now

The Lead up to the Christmas Show.

The Lead up to the Christmas Show.

Leading up to Christmas and final show, the Honest Liars were able to squeeze in a couple of ‘one-offs’.

In both cases, the shows were so successful that the players were asked for a repeat performance in 2021. Obviously, as it is Improv, a ‘repeat’ is not possible. BUT future performances are!

However, before the shows happened, it was a craft evening for the players. Something completely different, although the laughs still were in abundance.

A wooden Christmas tree was to be erected on the Strand (part of a community event), and the Honest Liars were given the task of painting the wooden ‘baubles’ that were to be hung on it.

Never one to shirk an opportunity for wine, nibbles and laughs the players arrived at the Historic Village and began the task of painting funny faces.

The ‘serious’ task soon evolved into ‘crazy’!!!

honest liars having fun

Task completed. Faces painted, wine and nibbles finished, time to go home.

A delight to see the tree up and reflecting the fun of Improv.

xmas tree the strand

Then came the shows.

The first one at The Mount Golf Club offered a spectacular venue as the stage was set in front of the massive windows that overlooked the golf course.

Thankfully the players faced the audience so were not distracted as the games began with ‘Scenes From a Hat’, covering topics from the “World’s Worst weather forecaster”, “What you shouldn’t say at a job interview” to “What the voices in Trump’s head are saying”.

The winners of the ‘Alphabet Duel’ were Melissa and Jon who were renovating their home over Fee and Steve having a baby. It was clearly apparent that it is much more stressful to renovate!

‘The Dating Game’ was another winner as Kevin (the bachelor) had to pick from Kay who had Tourettes, Melissa, who was overly interested in horses and Kathy who was Melania Trump. As soon as Kevin said he was the wealthiest man in the world ‘Melania’ was up on her feet wanting to take the bachelor there and then.

When it came time for ‘Hollywood Director’ Kevin set the direction for a great game having the players in a hotel near the Leaning Tower of Pisa. Melissa, Jon and Kay immediately all leaned into the plot to the enjoyment of the audience. Switching from Straight to Horror and finally to Western culminated in the guests (Jon and Kay) leaping from the window as an earthquake hit.

Finally, a new game was introduced ‘Theme Restaurant’ which had Kim and Steve sitting at a table entirely in the dark. A twist to the story was that it was also a blind date. The rest of the players were the wait staff and, as this was a lights out restaurant, menus missed the table, napkins were put in places other than laps and Steve mistook the seeing-eye dog as a hairy waitress. The diners were finally told not to eat the blowfish as the kitchen was also operating in the dark.

The Golf Club’s successful show was followed several days later by the players entertaining the Probus group for their end of year function.

A slightly different format to begin the show as the audience had been dining first. The Honest Liars, equipped with Christmas décor and loud, rambunctious music, gate-crashed the dining room and got everyone to bring their wine and follow the music up to the theatre.

The games began with the usual warm-up of Scenes from a Hat followed by the Duel Alphabet. This time Fee and Kevin battled against Kay and Melissa. And although Kay was a murderous daughter who wanted the Christmas pudding recipe from her mother. It was the fact that Kevin was heading off to the moon leaving Fee gleefully finding the alone time conducive to hanging out with Pedro, the pool boy that got the biggest round of applause. They were declared the winners.

The audience enjoyed the antics of Space Jump as Sally didn’t want to jump from the plane, which then evolved into her giving birth when Mark called the next scene. Fee was third in changing the game to three criminals trying to escape through a hedge, and finally, Kay came in as a cheerleader spelling out Probus. One by one the scenes finished as each player existed out.

The Dating Game saw Sweetie, (Kay), arrive and having to choose from the three contestants. Mark had an issue with mice in Monaco, Melissa collected tea leaves, and Sally played an excellent Winston Peters. Watch the clip to see it unfold.


Kevin played The Hollywood Director as he tried to get three actors to perform in his new movie about making moonshine in New York for Alan a gangster arriving at any minute. As Kay and Melissa made the moonshine, Fee, playing Alan’s mole, arrived and, after saying the password, was allowed in. From a very vanilla scene, the Director changed the genre to be Elizabethan. Alan became Alan the Great, and the mole turned into a wench. But the movie didn’t shine until it became a Western. Alan was now Bad Bart, and the wench became Annie who, with guns blazing, arrived to collect the whiskey for herself.

Hollywood director improv game

The show ended with the fun game of Puppets. Kevin and Kay were on their first date, which happened to be in a mental hospital. Somehow they ended up in the toilet where beautiful music was playing. The puppeteers, Mark and Sally, certainly had a riot putting these two into the most awkward positions.

Finally, all players came out on stage for the last time to thank the audience and receive the well-deserved applause. Another successful show and an excellent warm-up for the final Christmas show of the year! A heads-up – the Christmas show has already sold out. But keep a watch out for the Honest Liars coming back on the first Sunday in February 2021.
Thanks to the players:

Mt Golf Club                                                                    Probus Group

Kathy (Emcee)



The next show at the Jam Factory is on Sunday 6th December 7 pm

Hope you’ve got your tickets, have a drink at Mood Lounge first, then join us for loads of laughs.

1st Sunday of every Month
Jam Factory, Historic Village
Show Starts: 7 p.m.

Honest Liars Playing Over Time

Honest Liars Playing Over Time

November’s show saw the Honest Liars going over time much to the delight of the audience.

The players arrived early enough to set up the Jam Factory ready for the audience. This is not as simple as putting out the chairs. A trial of moving the stage to a side wall is currently happening. So the strong were allocated to moving the blocks while the brainy ones were working out the jigsaw!

Finally, warm-up began then it was off to Mood for a pre-drink and some laughter.

The ‘Categories’ game started the show with all the players testing their knowledge on different types of pizza toppings to types of criminals. In the category of Shellfish, it soon became apparent that there are many different coloured crabs… and even ones that don’t live in the sea! But as the players latched onto this cheating, they were quickly buzzed out until the winner was finally left standing.

The ‘Sign Language Interview’ is always a hit and this night was no exception. Jon interviewed Brett, who was an expert on teaching Sloths to juggle. Kelly, who was signing, had to get into all sorts of bizarre contortions to ‘translate’. It included up and down on the floor as Brett explained that Sloths are not that good at juggling when they’re upside down. It didn’t help that the interviewer, Jon, kept repeating the words upside down each time Kelly had stood up.

dating game

 ‘Pocket Note’ offered the audience a chance to deliver some cracking good lines. From “It’s tiny”, “Goodness, what a big one!” to “Your hair smells like vomit”. But the line that stole the game came at the end “I have nightly anus cramp”, and it fitted right in. Steve, Mark and Kathy were onboard Steve Irwin’s charter boat with no wifi. It seemed such a fitting place to be for such pocket notes and created lots of laughter.

 After the mandatory half time to replenish drinks, the players moved on into an ‘Alphabet Duel’. This was the first time a touch of theatre sports has been done by the Honest Liars.

Wendy and Kelly began round one with a suggestion from the audience that couldn’t be beaten. A Bris ceremony (and that’s a circumcision if you don’t know). Turned out that Timothy, who was having the procedure, was an adult, not a baby. So when Fee and Jon had their turn about Australia, they had to try and pull out all the stops to win. Even when Fee admitted that Timothy was her lover and had just had a circumcision, it didn’t help. The audience quite rightly cheered the loudest for Wendy and Kelly.

alphabet game

 After ‘Movie Trailers’ it was time for another winner, the ‘Dating’ game. Jon, Mark and Steve were the eager bachelors, and as Kelly quizzed them, it became apparent which one she would pick. As a crash-test dummy, Steve was out because of the damage he had. Mark was also a no-go as he morphed into a zombie. But Jon, a coach in the Karma Sutra, was a winner in Kelly’s eyes for what he could bring to the relationship.

dating game

A slight twist to the game of ‘Rant and Rave’ saw Kathy, Mark, Steve and Brett ranting and raving about urine on the toilet seat, the size of cubicles in public toilets, portaloos and bidets. Yes, the topics were very potty.

Finally, the show ended, the stage was reassembled to its rightful place, chairs stacked and the lights switched off. Naturally, the players headed off to Mood where some audience members were waiting.

Thanks to the players:


Thanks to the Crew:

Fee and Kristina

honest liars improv honest liars improv


The next show at the Jam Factory is on Sunday 6th December 7 pm

Book your tickets, have a drink at Mood Lounge first, then join us for loads of now1st Sunday of every Month
Jam Factory, Historic Village
Show Starts: 7 p.m.


Something Different

Something Different

Friday night and the players arrived at the Historic Village for something a bit different.

Well, some arrived earlier to set up a table in the Incubator shed for the Test Tube event.

This was a get-together of creatives; all types from artists and sculptors, magicians, dancers and of course, comedians in the form of the Honest Liars.

Fee stayed on at the table to answer questions and promote the shows while the other Honest Liars prepared for a 30-minute taste of Improv held outdoors. Nothing betters a free performance to give punters a feel of Improvised comedy!

The stage was set, (not so much a stage but a grassy knoll), the musicians had finally done their last number – wait, one more… no… one more and then another one for good luck.

Finally, the audience had assembled, and the kiddies sat on the bean bags in the front row full of eager anticipation.

Children? The players were undoubtedly going to have to curb their usual R16 antics!

The games began with a round of ‘Alphabet’ which had Brett and Melissa doing a bank heist. The problem was that Brett turned out to be an anti-capitalist bank robber who didn’t want to steal any money. In fact, he’d also forgotten to bring the guns.

alphabet game honest liars

The ‘Good, Bad & Ugly’ offered excellent advice, including what to do with a relative who was too religious. The advice ranged from politely leaving leaflets about satanic cults around the home for education to redecorating their room with static wallpaper with an upside-down cross pattern.

Three groups of two players were in the ‘Clap’ game and topics suggested from the audience were brain surgery, lozenges and a giraffe. Steve was the brain surgeon, and Kathy wanted her dog to have a brain transplant so it could speak Spanish.

After hearing the audience suggestion of meeting a tinder date in a mortuary, Kathy pointed out that it was an interesting theme for a family audience. But not to be deterred the players delivered a funny ‘Change’ game to the delight of the adults and kids alike.

During this game, there was an interruption. A small dog wandered into the scene and proceeded to poop in the bushes for all to see. Kathy, quick as a wink, rushed on shouting “Hola, hola” hoping that perhaps this was the dog with the brain transplant. She left the stage, the dog sauntered off, order returned, and the game continued.

‘Foreign Film Dub’ saw Steve and Kristina acting out the scene and Melissa and Brett as the translators. The film title ‘I Can Dance’ was in Bulgarian and Steve gave an excellent rendition of the national dance as he tutored Kristina who managed to keep her laughter under control.

The night ended well with all the players drifting off to Mood and having a well-deserved libation as the Test Tube event wound down.

Thanks to the players:


Thanks to Fee on the table and special thanks to Sue who helped put this post together.

The next show at the Jam Factory is on Sunday 1st November 7 pm

Book your tickets, have a drink at Mood Lounge first, then join us for loads of laughs.

1st Sunday of every Month
Jam Factory, Historic Village
Show Starts: 7 p.m.

book now

Busy Times

Busy Times

Within a matter of 48 hours, the Honest Liars had hosted two workshops.

The first one was a little outside the box as the wonderful folk at Media Works asked the players if they would come and entertain them during a conference day they were having. This involved staff from radio stations based in Tauranga, Thames and Coromandel and was to be held at the Falls Retreat in Karangahake Gorge. 

It started well as the Honest Liars sat and discussed the line-up over a coffee.

But neither the players nor the radio personal had any idea that this lunch was going to be in a public restaurant where other people would be. Well, free show for the onlookers, although they probably wouldn’t have got any of the in-jokes that the players dropped throughout the gig.

The show kicked off with a quiz-style question and answers with all the participants up onto their feet, answering multi-choice questions and sitting down if getting it wrong. How could they? All the questions were loosely based on what Honest Liars had been able to glean about their audience. But, there was a winner and chocolate came his way.

The ‘Alphabet Game’ clinched even more secrets being let out of the bag to the delight of the audience.

However, it was a little disconcerting when the restaurant staff picked the middle of the ‘Change Game’ to bring out the pizzas and place them on the tables. But the humour of the situation wasn’t entirely lost by any.

A couple of games specifically more in the corporate workshop realm rounded off the hour, and the players left them to get on with their conference.

Two days later…

Now it was time for the Free Taster. The ‘teachers’ arrived knowing it was going to be busy. And, sure enough, there were 17 people in total… not counting the teachers.

This made for a wonderful couple of hours.

The usual warm-up games were played with one being ‘Body Touching’. Yes, that’s right folk, Kathy called out a number and a body part and the players had to connect. 

“four ankles!”

“four pinkies!”

But the favourite was:

“four bums!”

It certainly got everyone loosened up and laughing.

Players were broken up into groups for “Plan a Party” which had magic carpets, ponies and unicorns and Donald Trump arriving.

“I am a Tree” had all sorts of different poses and got the players thinking outside their comfort zone and they added to the story.

Two lines were formed to play the “Yes And” game with murder and mayhem and “The Johnson File” covered divorce papers, doctors files and even a missing chapter of the bible.

Everyone loved “Space Jump” seeing players dancing with sore ankles, climbing a tree, doing yoga and even delivering an alien.

The Taster workshop proved to be a hit, and those who attended certainly had a ton of raw talent. Laughter abounded, and by the end, everyone left feeling uplifted and many indicating that they wanted more.

Thanks to the Teachers: Kathy & Melissa

Thanks to Support Players: Fee, Kay, Wendy, Sally, Steve

And a huge thanks to all who came along to try their brains at Improv.

The next show at the Jam Factory is on Sunday 1st November 7 pm

Book your tickets, have a drink at Mood Lounge first, then join us for loads of laughs.

1st Sunday of every Month
Jam Factory, Historic Village
Show Starts: 7 p.m.

book now

Make Your Bubble.

Make Your Bubble.

Level 2 did not stop the Honest Liars Improv show going ahead at the Jam Factory last Sunday night.

Nor the fact that many dads were spending time with their kids and family celebrating Father’s Day. Even so, there was a very respectable turnout considering all the obstacles.

Forever the positive people, the players set up the Factory for a show and as the punters arrived, they were signed in, sanitised and instructed to move the chairs to create their own little bubbles. Laughter is definitely needed in these times.

The show began with Jon getting the players warmed up with the ‘Categories’ game. And, as was fitting for the occasion, famous fathers was the first category to be suggested and so it began with Winston Churchill, Lincoln and the Queen… wait a minute, that’s not a father!!! Then buzz out the player was the message from the audience.

‘Foreign Film Dub’ had Sally and Kevin playing two French lovers in lockdown in a film title ‘Sacré Bleu’. The translators, Kathy and Kim had them going from bedroom antics to Kevin making crepes with extra gluten for Sally whose allergy to gluten made her swell up to large proportions.

The ’Cube’ game with Kevin, Brett, Kelly and Kathy had suggestions ranging from a motorcycle to rats. But it was the suggestion of ‘horny’ that gave Brett the idea of putting Kevin into the zoo enclosure with a rhino telling him to watch out for the two horns. Kathy and Brett then had the word ‘eggplant’. But the quick-thinking Kathy gave a great twist as she complained to her ‘husband’ that the eggs had not grown after she’d planted them, nor had the toast or the bacon for that matter.

Kelly was the complete star of the show with her sign language as she ‘translated’ the interview with the expert who taught lions to do brain surgery. The audience were in both hysterics and awe with how she managed to ‘sign’ the pack of lions, their surgery skills and the mating rituals they did.

In ‘Pocket Note’ Mark was meeting up with two women in the infamous IKandy bar. Sally was rather posh and didn’t think Mark was at all like his profile pic whereas Kelly was more interested in the shots on offer. From “You’re looking good today, Chief” to “Sticky on the bottom” the notes proved another winner helping with the flow of the scene.

The best line though came, not from the players, but from an audience member. In the ‘Press Conference’ game, Jon and Brett were sent outside while the audience concocted a scandal the two would face. It was agreed that they owned Mammas Donuts and were responsible for taking the holes out of the doughnuts. Back inside they came to face the ‘press’. A hand from the audience shot up and the first question was, “So where have you taken the holes from the doughnuts?”

The entire audience collapsed with laughter and shouts of “nooooo” before the emcee could explain to the baffled audience member that the questions have to be subtle and hints.

The players went outside again and a new suggestion was created.

Everyone thought it was a great and entertaining faux pas and just went to prove how wonderful it is to have audience participation.

The last game of the night was another favourite, ‘Puppets’ as it involves a couple of members of the audience coming up on stage to participate by being puppet masters. Kevin and Kelly were at the emergency room as it transpired that Kelly had a drinking problem and was there to get her stomach pumped.

Mood Lounge, across from the Jam Factory, was extremely busy that night looking after the players pre and post-show along with audience members wanting to have a drink before and at intermission. What a great place to hang out, especially to wind down after the show.

Thanks to the players:


Thanks to the Crew:

Fee and the players!


The next show at the Jam Factory is on Sunday 4th October 7 pm

Book your tickets, have a drink at Mood Lounge first, then join us for loads of laughs.


1st Sunday of every Month
Jam Factory, Historic Village
Show Starts:  7 p.m.

book now

Next Workshop – Jam Factory Saturday, October 10th 10 – 12

Contact us if interested

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