Author: hlimprovers

Honest Liars Playing Over Time

Honest Liars Playing Over Time

November’s show saw the Honest Liars going over time much to the delight of the audience.

The players arrived early enough to set up the Jam Factory ready for the audience. This is not as simple as putting out the chairs. A trial of moving the stage to a side wall is currently happening. So the strong were allocated to moving the blocks while the brainy ones were working out the jigsaw!

Finally, warm-up began then it was off to Mood for a pre-drink and some laughter.

The ‘Categories’ game started the show with all the players testing their knowledge on different types of pizza toppings to types of criminals. In the category of Shellfish, it soon became apparent that there are many different coloured crabs… and even ones that don’t live in the sea! But as the players latched onto this cheating, they were quickly buzzed out until the winner was finally left standing.

The ‘Sign Language Interview’ is always a hit and this night was no exception. Jon interviewed Brett, who was an expert on teaching Sloths to juggle. Kelly, who was signing, had to get into all sorts of bizarre contortions to ‘translate’. It included up and down on the floor as Brett explained that Sloths are not that good at juggling when they’re upside down. It didn’t help that the interviewer, Jon, kept repeating the words upside down each time Kelly had stood up.

dating game

 ‘Pocket Note’ offered the audience a chance to deliver some cracking good lines. From “It’s tiny”, “Goodness, what a big one!” to “Your hair smells like vomit”. But the line that stole the game came at the end “I have nightly anus cramp”, and it fitted right in. Steve, Mark and Kathy were onboard Steve Irwin’s charter boat with no wifi. It seemed such a fitting place to be for such pocket notes and created lots of laughter.

 After the mandatory half time to replenish drinks, the players moved on into an ‘Alphabet Duel’. This was the first time a touch of theatre sports has been done by the Honest Liars.

Wendy and Kelly began round one with a suggestion from the audience that couldn’t be beaten. A Bris ceremony (and that’s a circumcision if you don’t know). Turned out that Timothy, who was having the procedure, was an adult, not a baby. So when Fee and Jon had their turn about Australia, they had to try and pull out all the stops to win. Even when Fee admitted that Timothy was her lover and had just had a circumcision, it didn’t help. The audience quite rightly cheered the loudest for Wendy and Kelly.

alphabet game

 After ‘Movie Trailers’ it was time for another winner, the ‘Dating’ game. Jon, Mark and Steve were the eager bachelors, and as Kelly quizzed them, it became apparent which one she would pick. As a crash-test dummy, Steve was out because of the damage he had. Mark was also a no-go as he morphed into a zombie. But Jon, a coach in the Karma Sutra, was a winner in Kelly’s eyes for what he could bring to the relationship.

dating game

A slight twist to the game of ‘Rant and Rave’ saw Kathy, Mark, Steve and Brett ranting and raving about urine on the toilet seat, the size of cubicles in public toilets, portaloos and bidets. Yes, the topics were very potty.

Finally, the show ended, the stage was reassembled to its rightful place, chairs stacked and the lights switched off. Naturally, the players headed off to Mood where some audience members were waiting.

Thanks to the players:


Thanks to the Crew:

Fee and Kristina

honest liars improv honest liars improv


The next show at the Jam Factory is on Sunday 6th December 7 pm

Book your tickets, have a drink at Mood Lounge first, then join us for loads of now1st Sunday of every Month
Jam Factory, Historic Village
Show Starts: 7 p.m.


Something Different

Something Different

Friday night and the players arrived at the Historic Village for something a bit different.

Well, some arrived earlier to set up a table in the Incubator shed for the Test Tube event.

This was a get-together of creatives; all types from artists and sculptors, magicians, dancers and of course, comedians in the form of the Honest Liars.

Fee stayed on at the table to answer questions and promote the shows while the other Honest Liars prepared for a 30-minute taste of Improv held outdoors. Nothing betters a free performance to give punters a feel of Improvised comedy!

The stage was set, (not so much a stage but a grassy knoll), the musicians had finally done their last number – wait, one more… no… one more and then another one for good luck.

Finally, the audience had assembled, and the kiddies sat on the bean bags in the front row full of eager anticipation.

Children? The players were undoubtedly going to have to curb their usual R16 antics!

The games began with a round of ‘Alphabet’ which had Brett and Melissa doing a bank heist. The problem was that Brett turned out to be an anti-capitalist bank robber who didn’t want to steal any money. In fact, he’d also forgotten to bring the guns.

alphabet game honest liars

The ‘Good, Bad & Ugly’ offered excellent advice, including what to do with a relative who was too religious. The advice ranged from politely leaving leaflets about satanic cults around the home for education to redecorating their room with static wallpaper with an upside-down cross pattern.

Three groups of two players were in the ‘Clap’ game and topics suggested from the audience were brain surgery, lozenges and a giraffe. Steve was the brain surgeon, and Kathy wanted her dog to have a brain transplant so it could speak Spanish.

After hearing the audience suggestion of meeting a tinder date in a mortuary, Kathy pointed out that it was an interesting theme for a family audience. But not to be deterred the players delivered a funny ‘Change’ game to the delight of the adults and kids alike.

During this game, there was an interruption. A small dog wandered into the scene and proceeded to poop in the bushes for all to see. Kathy, quick as a wink, rushed on shouting “Hola, hola” hoping that perhaps this was the dog with the brain transplant. She left the stage, the dog sauntered off, order returned, and the game continued.

‘Foreign Film Dub’ saw Steve and Kristina acting out the scene and Melissa and Brett as the translators. The film title ‘I Can Dance’ was in Bulgarian and Steve gave an excellent rendition of the national dance as he tutored Kristina who managed to keep her laughter under control.

The night ended well with all the players drifting off to Mood and having a well-deserved libation as the Test Tube event wound down.

Thanks to the players:


Thanks to Fee on the table and special thanks to Sue who helped put this post together.

The next show at the Jam Factory is on Sunday 1st November 7 pm

Book your tickets, have a drink at Mood Lounge first, then join us for loads of laughs.

1st Sunday of every Month
Jam Factory, Historic Village
Show Starts: 7 p.m.

book now

Busy Times

Busy Times

Within a matter of 48 hours, the Honest Liars had hosted two workshops.

The first one was a little outside the box as the wonderful folk at Media Works asked the players if they would come and entertain them during a conference day they were having. This involved staff from radio stations based in Tauranga, Thames and Coromandel and was to be held at the Falls Retreat in Karangahake Gorge. 

It started well as the Honest Liars sat and discussed the line-up over a coffee.

But neither the players nor the radio personal had any idea that this lunch was going to be in a public restaurant where other people would be. Well, free show for the onlookers, although they probably wouldn’t have got any of the in-jokes that the players dropped throughout the gig.

The show kicked off with a quiz-style question and answers with all the participants up onto their feet, answering multi-choice questions and sitting down if getting it wrong. How could they? All the questions were loosely based on what Honest Liars had been able to glean about their audience. But, there was a winner and chocolate came his way.

The ‘Alphabet Game’ clinched even more secrets being let out of the bag to the delight of the audience.

However, it was a little disconcerting when the restaurant staff picked the middle of the ‘Change Game’ to bring out the pizzas and place them on the tables. But the humour of the situation wasn’t entirely lost by any.

A couple of games specifically more in the corporate workshop realm rounded off the hour, and the players left them to get on with their conference.

Two days later…

Now it was time for the Free Taster. The ‘teachers’ arrived knowing it was going to be busy. And, sure enough, there were 17 people in total… not counting the teachers.

This made for a wonderful couple of hours.

The usual warm-up games were played with one being ‘Body Touching’. Yes, that’s right folk, Kathy called out a number and a body part and the players had to connect. 

“four ankles!”

“four pinkies!”

But the favourite was:

“four bums!”

It certainly got everyone loosened up and laughing.

Players were broken up into groups for “Plan a Party” which had magic carpets, ponies and unicorns and Donald Trump arriving.

“I am a Tree” had all sorts of different poses and got the players thinking outside their comfort zone and they added to the story.

Two lines were formed to play the “Yes And” game with murder and mayhem and “The Johnson File” covered divorce papers, doctors files and even a missing chapter of the bible.

Everyone loved “Space Jump” seeing players dancing with sore ankles, climbing a tree, doing yoga and even delivering an alien.

The Taster workshop proved to be a hit, and those who attended certainly had a ton of raw talent. Laughter abounded, and by the end, everyone left feeling uplifted and many indicating that they wanted more.

Thanks to the Teachers: Kathy & Melissa

Thanks to Support Players: Fee, Kay, Wendy, Sally, Steve

And a huge thanks to all who came along to try their brains at Improv.

The next show at the Jam Factory is on Sunday 1st November 7 pm

Book your tickets, have a drink at Mood Lounge first, then join us for loads of laughs.

1st Sunday of every Month
Jam Factory, Historic Village
Show Starts: 7 p.m.

book now

A Change Makes A Difference.

A Change Makes A Difference.

It began with an idea that proved to be a winner!

The Honest Liars decided to make quite a change with the layout of the stage. It worked!!!! The audience thought it was brilliant, they could see what was going on, and the players had more space to frolic about with their comedic antics.

a change makes all the difference

It was a smaller group of players this time, only six, but they still managed to put on a show that had the audience laughing. Once the stage had been positioned, it was time to put out the chairs ready for the seven people who had tickets to arrive (and the hope of a few more walk-ins). Then it was time for a run-through of the games that were going to be played.

honest liars players

After a good warm-up, the players headed over to the Mood Lounge for a break leaving the crew to man the door. By the time they were back, there were certainly more than seven eager patrons filing in. In fact, it ended up being a nearly full house as more tickets had been sold at the last minute!

The players arrived on stage to battle it out for the best ‘World’s Worst’ hypnotist/publican/boss and midwife. Quickly followed by another warm-up game, ‘Questions’, where the players must speak in question form only.

Then the games began in earnest with ‘Four Ways to Die’ after which was the hilarious ‘Hollywood Director’ game. Kevin played the director trying to come up with the best take on the audience suggested scene of prostitutes in an alleyway. Kathy was an excellent pimp handling a prostitute (Jon) with problems and Melissa a very demanding customer. The director tried different genres from Western to Shakespeare, each one getting funnier and the problems getting worse.

Improv games

It was decided to lengthen the half-time as not only did the audience need a bathroom break, but many needed to refresh their drinks from Mood.

Back with the show and ‘Film Noir’ was another hit. The suggestion from the audience had Jon and Melissa in Disneyland. Melissa, a princess, was tired of just having children around so when she spied Jon, she decided he could be the one. Little did she know that Jon, being British, gets turned on standing in queues for 3 – 4 hours. Have a peek and why he said it.


The rest of the 2nd half had the ‘Superheros’ battling a shortage of peanut butter and Fee, Sally and Kevin giving ‘Good, Bad and Ugly’ advice on home loans and procrastination among other things.

Two brave members of the audience came up onto the stage to assist in the ‘Change’ game. There Kathy, a criminal lawyer, was trying to talk to the client, Fee, who couldn’t make up her mind if she’d killed just one celebrity or many all for 15 minutes of fame.

Finally, the curtain came down. Well, not literally as there is no curtain! The players said goodnight to the audience, reassembled the stage back to where it was, turned off the lights and headed to Mood for a celebratory drink and a wind-down.

Thanks to the players:


Thanks to the Crew:

Mark and the players!


The next show at the Jam Factory is on Sunday 1st November 7 pm

Book your tickets, have a drink at Mood Lounge first, then join us for loads of laughs.

1st Sunday of every Month
Jam Factory, Historic Village
Show Starts: 7 p.m.

book now

Next Workshop – Jam Factory Saturday, October 10th 10 – 12

Contact us if interested

Make Your Bubble.

Make Your Bubble.

Level 2 did not stop the Honest Liars Improv show going ahead at the Jam Factory last Sunday night.

Nor the fact that many dads were spending time with their kids and family celebrating Father’s Day. Even so, there was a very respectable turnout considering all the obstacles.

Forever the positive people, the players set up the Factory for a show and as the punters arrived, they were signed in, sanitised and instructed to move the chairs to create their own little bubbles. Laughter is definitely needed in these times.

The show began with Jon getting the players warmed up with the ‘Categories’ game. And, as was fitting for the occasion, famous fathers was the first category to be suggested and so it began with Winston Churchill, Lincoln and the Queen… wait a minute, that’s not a father!!! Then buzz out the player was the message from the audience.

‘Foreign Film Dub’ had Sally and Kevin playing two French lovers in lockdown in a film title ‘Sacré Bleu’. The translators, Kathy and Kim had them going from bedroom antics to Kevin making crepes with extra gluten for Sally whose allergy to gluten made her swell up to large proportions.

The ’Cube’ game with Kevin, Brett, Kelly and Kathy had suggestions ranging from a motorcycle to rats. But it was the suggestion of ‘horny’ that gave Brett the idea of putting Kevin into the zoo enclosure with a rhino telling him to watch out for the two horns. Kathy and Brett then had the word ‘eggplant’. But the quick-thinking Kathy gave a great twist as she complained to her ‘husband’ that the eggs had not grown after she’d planted them, nor had the toast or the bacon for that matter.

Kelly was the complete star of the show with her sign language as she ‘translated’ the interview with the expert who taught lions to do brain surgery. The audience were in both hysterics and awe with how she managed to ‘sign’ the pack of lions, their surgery skills and the mating rituals they did.

In ‘Pocket Note’ Mark was meeting up with two women in the infamous IKandy bar. Sally was rather posh and didn’t think Mark was at all like his profile pic whereas Kelly was more interested in the shots on offer. From “You’re looking good today, Chief” to “Sticky on the bottom” the notes proved another winner helping with the flow of the scene.

The best line though came, not from the players, but from an audience member. In the ‘Press Conference’ game, Jon and Brett were sent outside while the audience concocted a scandal the two would face. It was agreed that they owned Mammas Donuts and were responsible for taking the holes out of the doughnuts. Back inside they came to face the ‘press’. A hand from the audience shot up and the first question was, “So where have you taken the holes from the doughnuts?”

The entire audience collapsed with laughter and shouts of “nooooo” before the emcee could explain to the baffled audience member that the questions have to be subtle and hints.

The players went outside again and a new suggestion was created.

Everyone thought it was a great and entertaining faux pas and just went to prove how wonderful it is to have audience participation.

The last game of the night was another favourite, ‘Puppets’ as it involves a couple of members of the audience coming up on stage to participate by being puppet masters. Kevin and Kelly were at the emergency room as it transpired that Kelly had a drinking problem and was there to get her stomach pumped.

Mood Lounge, across from the Jam Factory, was extremely busy that night looking after the players pre and post-show along with audience members wanting to have a drink before and at intermission. What a great place to hang out, especially to wind down after the show.

Thanks to the players:


Thanks to the Crew:

Fee and the players!


The next show at the Jam Factory is on Sunday 4th October 7 pm

Book your tickets, have a drink at Mood Lounge first, then join us for loads of laughs.


1st Sunday of every Month
Jam Factory, Historic Village
Show Starts:  7 p.m.

book now

Next Workshop – Jam Factory Saturday, October 10th 10 – 12

Contact us if interested

The Busy Month of August.

The Busy Month of August.

The busy month of August began with a show at the Bayswater Retirement Village.

With Covid back in action, it was not exactly a packed-out audience, but a very vocal one and the report back was that the residents thoroughly enjoyed the evening. They say laughter is the best medicine, and it seems it was that night.

The audience enjoyed the antics of:

Fee, Kevin, Jon, Mark, Neil and Kathy as they embraced the wearing of head mics for the first time having to take them on and off with as much decorum as possible.

busy month of august

You may remember in the previous blog that the Honest Liars had some workshops going on in Waihi. Well, even with level 2, the teachers turned up and were able to keep going, due to the pretty decent area to work within.

There were a great bunch of students from the young ones right through to the adults. All were keen and brimming with energy (especially the kids as well you can imagine!). Some up and coming improvers shone through over all the classes.

Then it was showtime.

The players arrived at the local kebab eatery in the heart of the town and made sure they were well replenished before heading off to the theatre.

The wonderful Kathy led the troupe emceeing the show with laughter, pizzazz and a bit of cheek thrown in to the delight of the audience. The warm-up game ‘Categories’ had the players reeling off different types of pets including chilli pepper and banana (obviously not accepted). And in the ice cream flavours out came a cabbage one which made the audience and players alike screw their faces up.

In ‘Foreign Film Dub’ Fee and Kevin spoke only French while the translators wove the story of the two love birds. It transpired that one of them (not mentioning names) “you know I like the rough stuff” as a bit of strangling was happening. However, the blue pills passed to Kevin turned out the be cyanide and the game ended… well with poison, of course, it ended although the audience would have liked it to continue as they were enjoying it so much.

‘Pocket Note’, another crowd favourite, saw Kim, Sally and Kelly throwing their keys into the pot at a wife swap. The trouble was that only Kim and Sally had wives to which Kelly was quite happy about especially when one of the ‘notes’ said “my chlamydia is acting up again” giving her the spare wife. The audience suggestions had the players tied up, losing a blue pill and social distancing along with other great lines as the scene went along.


improv pocket note

Then Kim became Dolly from San Diego for the ‘Dating Game’ as she questioned Brett, charged with assault with a deadly animal – Jon, a cross-dresser and Kevin whose Viagra had kicked in. You can use your imagination as to how that worked out.

improv dating game

In between the games, some of the Waihi students (teens and adults) had the stage for two games. The first, ‘Space Jump’ Had Ethan begin in the Jurassic era followed by SJ creating a fitness centre. Sam then joined changing the scene to kids sneaking out of school by jumping out of the 2nd-floor window and when Cindy came in, she tried to get the kids to go to bed. Four wonderful scenes were created.

Following the intermission Kimi, Lucy and Katherine played the ‘Alphabet’ game. Not an easy one to play, but they nailed it. With the suggestion of a honeymoon, the three students gave it a great twist by being planners for weddings, honeymoons and funerals.

improv alphabet

At the end of the show, Ethan and Lucy came back on stage to be the puppet masters for Kevin and Kelly who were the puppets. The game was a first date taking place at the local dump. The audience couldn’t stop laughing and even Ethan and Lucy found it hard to contain their hilarity as they moved the players around.

improv puppets

There was time for a celebratory drink after the show, then it was off back to Papamoa for a well-earned rest (especially those who had been also teaching).

The next show at the Jam Factory is going ahead, however, due to Level 2, seating is limited so get your tickets now so you don’t miss out.

Thanks to the players Bayswater:


Thanks to the players Waihi Show:


Thanks to the students who perform at the Waihi Show:


Thanks to the teachers who were at all workshops:


Next show is on September 6th so save the date!

Book your tickets, have a drink and snack at Mood Lounge in The Historic Village first,
then join us for loads of laughs.

1st Sunday of every Month
Jam Factory, Historic Village
Show Starts:  7 p.m.

book now

If you’re interested in the Next Workshop: 

Jam Factory
Saturday, October 10th 10 am – 12 noon

Contact us

The Improv Students.

The Improv Students.

Busy, busy times over the past months – well until COVID reared its ugly head again!

We had just begun a round of Beginner workshops back in March when we all went into lockdown level 4. Certainly, put a dampener on things, but the students were keen to keep going once the all-clear balloon went up.

We got a few more students to sign up and so began the Beginner workshop from the start again. Yay, we managed to get the entire four weeks in with the students learning in leaps and bounds.

Improv students

This series culminated in the students having guest spots in the August show to which they played wonderfully to a full house. Some have gone on to attend the Intermediate round of workshops. Sadly, this was thwarted after the first night due to that ugly virus mentioned early.

students play improv

But we’re all convinced that these students will be back much to the delight of the teachers.

Alongside this was the workshops being held at the Waihi Theatre. Slightly different as students were ranging in ages from kiddies through to adults. It started with the adorable 8 – 12-year-olds. Wow, what energy these kids had and it was excellent to see the shy ones blossoming even just from the start of the session to the end.

improv workshop for kids

Then it was the turn of the teens. Not so many in the class, but enough to get great enjoyment from their take on the suggestions once the games began. Again, like the younger ones, the teens brought energy and enthusiasm.

improv workshop for teens

Each Friday evening after classes, the tutors would have some dinner before driving home and thankfully crawling into their beds for a well-earned sleep.

Although COVID has put a bit of a dampener on the workshops, the enthusiasm from the students has not diminished.

Another Free Taster is set for October 10th (all going well). Come along if you think you’d like to have some fun and find out if Improv is for you. Simply fill in the contact form at the bottom of this post to register your interest.

Thanks to the teachers:


Our thanks to all students who attend the workshops – it’s great to meet you and have some fun.

Next Workshop 

FREE Taster
Jam Factory,
October 10th
Time: 10am – 12noon

Please contact us if you’re interested

[contact-form to=””][contact-field label=”Name” type=”name” required=”1″][contact-field label=”Email” type=”email” required=”1″][contact-field label=”Message” type=”textarea”][/contact-form]

Standing Room Only

Standing Room Only

It was standing room only at the Jam Factory for the August show, and the players were ready!

Before the warm-up could begin, there was a small matter of getting some professional photos taken. The players arrived early enough in their best bib and tucker. And if you don’t know what that means, Google says:

One’s finest clothes, dressed up, as in the men were told to put on their best bib and tucker for the dinner dance. Although wearing either a bib (frill at the front of a man’s shirt) or a tucker (ornamental lace covering a woman’s neck and shoulders) is obsolete, the phrase survives.

In this case, it meant that the players had their Honest Liars tee on, their hair done, looking the part and no snotty noses.

The photos were taken amidst great hilarity, with the players falling about ….. literally! The images have yet to be viewed and passed before being made public, but watch out for any new banners.

An hour later, the students arrived. These fine players have nearly completed the Beginners’ workshop that has been held over the past few weeks. They were to do a ‘guest’ spot, and two games had been set for them to play within the show.

honest liars warm up

Warm-up began with basic games ideally suited to sharpening the brain and ramping up the energy. Then it was across to The Station for a drink and the last-minute preparations.

honest liars at the Station

People began arriving, and it soon became clear that the house was going to be full. The troupe were not going to disappoint, and so the show started.

Scenes from a Hat was a great way to ‘introduce’ the players as they stepped forward to give small statements in response to suggestions that had been provided by the audience.

A couple more games then Pocket Note, a favourite had Kim, Melissa and Fee as gardeners spicing up their dialogue with suggestions from the audience from “an apple a day keeps the doctor away” to “hey babe, are you trashed I want to take you out”. Weaving these into the gardening scene proved to be both difficult and hilarious at the same time.

Time for the students to have a go on stage. The game some chose was Alphabet. A scene where friends were trying to organise a costume party. Each player had to begin their line with the next letter of the Alphabet which they did with only the odd hiccup of switching letters. All made for a good game.

honest liars students

Foreign Film Dub saw Fee and Kevin speaking in gibberish French meeting at the supermarket. At the same time, Kathy and Kim translated and took the story from the first meeting to the size of the aubergine and many more innuendoes which carried the scene along.

In the second half, the Honest Liars’ plant in the audience who was supposed to be keeping up with the photos (specifically for this blog) was laughing too much and forgot!!!

After intermission, Jon started the ball rolling with a rollicking great stand-up about his trials and tribulations going through the different customs in different countries. Then the games flowed on with the laughs abounding as the players brought their best scenes from the suggestions. Hollywood Director was set around a murder with Melissa and Kim trying to figure out what to do with the body when Kathy turned up as the nosey cop. Jon played the Director and changed the genre a couple of times making the scene a horror, sci-fi and rounding it up with it being a western which saw Kim kill off the nosey Sherriff.

The students had another spot playing the game Space Jump changing the original scene of a rock climber to a Tug of War, riding horses and a cat throwing up. Their creativity showed the advances they had made through coming to the workshops.

The final game, Press Conference, had Jon being grilled by the press because of the scandal that had occurred. Through the hints dropped by the journalists and Jon’s great responses, he soon realised that he was speaking on behalf of Fonterra over the issue of marketing mouse milk.

A rousing applause ended the show and players, students and some audience members wandered over to The Station for a celebratory drink to relax and unwind.

Thanks to all the players:


Thanks to the Students:

Wendy K

Thanks to the crew:

Sally Neil


standing room only honest liars

Next show is on September 6th so save the date!

Book your tickets, have a drink at The Station first, then join us for loads of laughs.

1st Sunday of every Month

Jam Factory, Historic Village

Show Starts:  7 p.m.

book now

“I Laughed All The Way Through”

“I Laughed All The Way Through”

Following on the heels of a sell-out show at the Jam Factory, the Honest Liars had a booking at the Waihi Theatre and, true to form, excitement swelled as the time got closer.

The first order of business was to meet at the local Kebab eatery for some smashing food and a plan of action before heading off to the theatre.

For a couple of the players, it was a bit of a time warp as they had been known to tread the boards on more than one occasion in this theatre.

No time for faffing about though as there were banners to put up, lighting instructions to give and warm up to be played.

In no time at all, it was showtime!

The irrepressible emcee Melissa began warming up the crowd getting them to a full crescendo of applause as the players tumbled out onto the stage. And the games began.

‘Scenes from a Hat’ gave all the players a chance to warm up the crowd with their disrespectful answers and statements to subjects such as ‘the world’s worst nun’ and ‘what you shouldn’t say on a first date’. The mention of Trump in that first game was the kicker for the audience to fall about laughing.

‘Four ways to die’ saw death by suffocation, out of a window, stabbed and crushed with the story set in the mine pit. This was followed by ‘Pocket note’ a game in which the audience gave sentences which were written on paper then incorporated into the game. Of course, the players had left the stage in order not to hear. Naturally, the innuendos flourished making for brilliant comedy.

‘Party quirks’ saw some extremely odd guests arriving including Quasimodo and a gentleman who could turn chairs into humans!!

At the end of the first half, a couple of audience members came on stage and helped with the ‘Change game’. This meant tapping the player’s shoulder, saying “Change” and changing the context of the scene. It is always a thrill to have brave people join in and share the fun on stage.

A bit of a twist came at the beginning of the second half when the audience was asked to participate in sending a “happy birthday” to one of the player’s son. A very quick video recorded as the camera was raised to take in all the Honest Liars and the audience as everyone shouted out the birthday message. (Needless to say, it was well-received by the birthday boy).

Cracking on with the second half the audience by now was well and truly into calling out suggestions, some great, some okay and some definitely R18. But the games continued, and once more two audience members were called upon to participate in the game ‘Puppets’. They quickly took control of the players in a scene held in a ballet studio.

It seemed like just a blink of the eye, and it was over. The Honest Liars mingled with the crowd as they were leaving the theatre and encouraged them to come back to the next performance to be held on August 29th. The players then packed up and went off to Waihi Beach pub for a celebratory drink before heading to their digs for the night to debrief and relive an exceptional night.

honest liars celebrate


Thanks to all the players




Next show is on August 2nd so save the date!

1st Sunday of every Month
Jam Factory, Historic Village
Show Starts:  7 p.m.

book now

The Honest Liars Are Back!

The Honest Liars Are Back!

FINALLY! The Honest Liars were back at the Jam Factory giving a show to an appreciative audience.

Players were eager to get into the games and got to the venue in plenty of time to begin warming up. An hour later the crew arrived to put out the signs, sort the sound system and set up cameras.

It seemed that the audience members were also eager beavers as they started coming in through the doors 45 minutes prior to curtain. Mind you, some did have to duck back out again when they discovered they were able to bring wine. Yes, the Jam Factory was back in business.

A slight change to the line-up at the get-go saw Kathy come on stage to do a short stand-up comedy routine. Not only did she warm the crowd up but it certainly impressed the audience when, after she’d finished, Melissa announced that this was Kathy’s first time doing stand-up. Needless to say, she got an extra rousing applause.

honest liars stand up

Then the games began.

‘Out of the Hat’ gave the players the chance to step forward with a one-liner. Perhaps the best was in the scene “Inappropriate thing to say when meeting your mother-in-law for the first time” when Brett said “Ooo, looks like I chose wrong” and indicated walking off with the MIL.

After a game of ‘Questions’ which saw the players in a funeral parlour debating what to do with the ashes it was time for ‘4-Ways to Die’. The audience managed to come up with death ideas from “snake bite” to “death by lollies” and other absurdities in between.

honest liars improv

Marching right on through another couple of games the players then showed their comedic skills with ‘Hollywood Director’. This saw Kim as the frustrated movie director trying to get the ‘actors’ to get dramatic in the audience’s suggested location of the wall at the Mexico border. The director decided it wasn’t good enough and so changed the genre to a Musical, followed soon after to Shakespearean style. It became apparent that the whole thing was a disaster and so as a final attempt to rescue the movie, the director decided the actors needed to go back to acting school.


It wasn’t long before the favourite game of ‘Pocket Note’ was played with brilliant suggestions from the audience providing the usual hilarious sentences that the players had to weave into the scene. The hot pools in Rotorua provided the three players with a great place to get to know each other with Mark’s pick-up line (courtesy of the audience) being “Is it really that big?” setting the tone!


More games followed and then it was the turn of the audience. That’s right, members of the audience were asked to partake in the games and brave people volunteered after a bit of encouragement.

The game of ‘Sound Effects’ brought one courageous member up onto the stage where she provided sound effects for the scene that was being played out behind the bike shed where the players were planning to bomb the school.

The next audience participation was another favourite – ‘Puppets’. The players did end up in some extraordinary positions all the while trying to keep a straight face and deliver lines to solve a conundrum that the team of pole dancing mother and daughter were trying to solve.

The night ended on a high for both the players and the crew as everyone heartedly agreed it had been a great night’s performance.

Thanks to all – you were brilliant:


  • Sally          Kathy
  • Brett         Jon
  • Mark         Kim       Melissa

  • Neil
  • Fee
  • Kelly

Next show is on the 2nd August so save the date!

1st Sunday of every Month
Jam Factory, Historic Village
Show Starts: 7 p.m.

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