A Raucous Night for the Honest Liars.

A Raucous Night for the Honest Liars.

Another crisp evening as the players made their way to the 16th Ave theatre.

It proved to be another raucous night for the Honest Liars starting from the moment they arrived. After setting up the chairs and warming the room, the players jumped onto the stage for warm-up time. And so the fun began.

They took their laughter into the next room as the audience started to arrive. Getting their drinks as soon as the bar opened and finding their seats, it wasn’t long before there was hardly a spare seat in the house. The lights dimmed, the music was up, and Jon (MC) came out to applause to start the show.

The first game was Sex With Me—always a good start. Of course, the Olympics was suggested, and some of the statements were definitely outrageous enough to win medals.

‘Pocket Note’ saw Sally, Jon, and Mark at an amusement park, with Mark most upset that his lowly cleaning position meant he had to deal with a “code brown” and a defending mother. His boss, Jon, arrived to save the day, but with the usual twists and turns that only happen in improv, the offending poo was finally removed, and the mother ran off with the boss.

pocket note improv

Another audience favourite, ‘The Returns Desk’, had Gala, Steve and Ryan returning items they had no clue about. The only clues came from Jon, who was manning the desk. For example, as Steve walked into the store to return a vibrator that didn’t vibrate, Jon immediately said, “Any Erotic Experiences! How can I help you?” That had to give Steve an idea where he was, but his first line, “This ruined my child’s birthday party!” had the audience erupt with laughter.

The other two items being returned were an armchair that vibrated when it shouldn’t and an aeroplane on fire.

Speaking of aeroplanes on fire, in the ‘The Change’ game, Sue and Sally were two pilots with a burning aircraft. The MC constantly made them change their lines, so with parachutes on and off, doors open and shut, and cabin crew that went from being sexy to ugly, it was a game of twists. Finally, one pilot phoned (yes, phoned, not radioed) for help and ended up ordering pizza instead.

change game improv

After a short intermission, giving people time to order more libations, the ‘Objections’ game brought the audience back to laughing and fired up the players again. Discussing mortgage interest rates proved a great topic, but in the end, it turned into a chaotic mess of everyone shouting “Objection!!”

‘Complaints Letter’ followed – check it out on our YouTube

complaints letter improv

This next game had two brave members from the audience come up on stage to participate in the ‘Puppets’ game. They had the task of putting the players into different poses by which they could control the story. This time, the scene was a police chase through a shopping mall. However, the actors were in for a great surprise as the positions became more bizarre. Everyone was laughing so much that the actual storyline got utterly lost. See for yourself:


The show wrapped up, and the audience filed out, laughter still ringing in their ears. The players were treated to a well-deserved drink before finally heading home to sweet dreams of fun stories.

Thanks to players

MC – Jon & Ryan

Thanks to
Crew: Fee
Sound engineer: Anthony.

Book your tickets for the next show and join the players for loads of laughs.

1st Saturday of every month.
16th Ave Theatre.
16th Avenue, Tauranga.
Show Starts: 7.30 p.m.
Licenced bar available.

book now

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