Month: March 2020

1st Workshop of 2020

1st Workshop of 2020

The Honest Liars have kicked off the 1st round of workshops for 2020 by welcoming new players into the Level 1 – An Introduction to Improv Comedy.

The teachers, Melissa and Kathy and ‘helper’ Fee arrived at the local café to have the mandatory coffee, scone and meeting prior to heading off to the Jam Factory in time to set up the chairs before the new players arrived.

Keen new players, Ben, Gio, Claudia and Sue arrived along with a couple of Honest Liars Sally and Neil (there for the fun and honing of skills), and the workshop got underway.

1st Workshop of 2020

Listening skills were worked on with imaginary balls being passed between the players as they moved around the room. And it soon became apparent that listening was paramount as a player wondered if s/he had caught a red ball or a red bull.

improv listening skills

From learning to listen and going into the “Yes, and” skill it soon branched out into games.

Building on a scene, Ben and Claudia were on a Tinder date – the very first one that Ben had been on. It didn’t take long before it came out that Ben had been on Tinder for 10 years and this was his first date. Perhaps it was something to do with being a reincarnation of David Hasselhoff?

In The Good, The Bad and The Ugly, Claudia, Gio and Ben had to give advice on how to greet each other with coronavirus – needless to say it wasn’t a pretty sight by the time it got the Ugly version.

bad advice

By this time all the players had got a pretty firm grasp of the nuances of Improv. So when the game Pillars began they were all primed and some great storylines happened.

Ben and Sue as pirates went from losing a parrot and monkey to trying to find love where the treasure was buried. Most of the twists were brought about by the pillars, Neil and Kathy.

Improv pillars game

Ending the games were a bunch of hilarious Space Jumps. When Sally began wondering if she should leave her husband, Ben changed the scene to in a gym followed by Sue jumping in and being a ballet instructor. By the time Gio arrived the three players all had their arms in the air, a pose that was seized on and turned into four people changing a light-bulb … of course!

improv space jump game

Wrapping up the first workshop and it was congratulations all around. All the players, both new and old had had a blast. So much laughing and great brain work, but the best part? … New friends have been forged.

Thanks to all the new players – you were all brilliant:

  • Ben
  • Claudia
  • Gio
  • Sue

Honest Liars players

  • Sally
  • Fee
  • Neil

Awesome teachers

  • Kathy
  • Melissa

If you’re keen to give Improv a go the next free Taster will be in June/July – contact us to get on the list.

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Next Show – Save the date:  Sunday 5th April 2020

1st Sunday of every month
Jam Factory, Historic Village
Show Starts: 7 p.m.


Jammin’ At The Factory

Jammin’ At The Factory

Another great show saw the Honest Liars jammin’ at the factory this time bringing audience members onto the stage!

Seven players took to the stage on Sunday evening to another full house entertaining a mixed-aged audience. Students from the Mount College drama arrived full of enthusiasm and expecting a good night’s entertainment. They weren’t disappointed.

Of course, a load of preparation went into the show hours before the stage lights came on.

The players had arrived and began the task of setting out the chairs. Would there be a full house again? Or would there be lots of vacant chairs with no bums to fill them?

Positivity is always the order of the day when it comes to the Honest Liars, so chairs filled the space and the players were not disappointed.

Then the ‘crew’ arrived, and the signs went up, front desk organised and a crash course with the sound system.

During the tech run-through, it was discovered that the stage could be lit up with coloured lights. It certainly made a difference to the ambience of what was to come. If you look closely at the images further down, you’ll see the wonderful rainbow of colours that, in some cases, enhanced the players’ characters.

Time for a snack, a toilet stop and into the warming up.

honest liars warming up

That flew by! Next thing the players knew it was SHOWTIME!

The first thing to do is warm up both the audience and players with a game that is a tried and tested winner – World’s Worst.

Jammin' At The Factory

A new game was up next, which saw Kelly and Fee getting a new inmate into their jail cell. They were not impressed when Kim arrived because (from audience suggestions) she and Donald Trump had stolen all the presents under Santa’s Christmas tree. It was up to the two old prisoners to give the newbie enough clues so she could guess what crime she’d committed. And she did a stellar job!

The Dating Game, another favourite, had a military “G.I. Jane” Kathy as the bachelorette trying to decide who to date – Kevin with a foot fetish, Kelly who had a fear of potatoes or Jon a spy (I’m not Dimitri from Moscow). She decided in the end that fear of potatoes was not going to be as much trouble as a spy or a fanatical foot man.

the dating game

Drew and Grace from the Mount College Drama volunteered (with some persuading) to join Fee and Kim on stage and quickly got involved with the Change game as they tapped the shoulders of the players, yelling “Change” to change the course of the game. A sinking ship ended with the words called out from the bridge “Up periscope!” to signify the ship had gone down.

Then it was the Pocket Note game, and the audience came up with some pearlers for the notes.

Melissa, Kim and Fee were triplets who had the weird hobby of collecting insects. The title of the game was called out by a switched-on audience member – “Insect City”, and it was voted as being the best one-liner of the whole show.

The highlight of the night though had to go to the very last game ‘Puppets’. This game needed two members from the audience to be the puppet masters and take the puppets, Kathy and Kevin, along a hilarious journey by moving arms, legs, head, hands around.

Nate and Catalina had the players in somewhat awkward positions, but that didn’t stop them from delivering some cracker lines going along the theme of a married couple having an argument. It seemed Kevin brought the foot fetish he had in the Dating game into the mix as he wanted Kathy to try out his ‘dirty feet’. Mind you the puppet master did have trouble getting Kathy’s head at the right angle … was it his feet she was looking at?

human puppets

As the audience left the show with the laughing still ringing, a few decided to sign up to the Taster Workshop and try their hand at Improv.

All players agree – it’s the best fun a person can have – either in it or watching it.

Thanks to all the players and crew – you were all brilliant:




who made the whole show glide along




Save the date:

Sunday 5th April
Jam Factory, Historic Village
Show Starts: 7 p.m.

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